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Your search returned 1100 results. Displaying first 500 only. Please refine your search
Type ID Name Reg Related Description Filter24 Active?
Hut ZLH/CB-071 Evans Hut CB Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/WC-043 Explorer Hut WC Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/TM-030 FENELLA HUT TM Serviced Hut
Hut ZLH/OT-031 Ferguson Hut OT Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/OT-032 Fern Burn Hut OT
Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/CB-072 Fidgit Bivvy CB Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/WL-018 Field Hut WL Field Hut is a wonderful, historic hut - the oldest remaining tramping hut in the Tararuas. It sits just below the bushline, and 850m - overlooking Otaki Forks, and looking out towards the Kapiti Coast. It is the easiest hut on the western Tararuas to reach, and as such can be busy - especially with school groups. It features a kitchen / dining / bunkroom downstairs, and another bunkroom above.
Hut ZLH/MB-015 Fishtail Hut MB Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/TM-031 Flanagans Hut TM Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/TM-032 Flora Hut TM Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/CB-073 Forbes Bivvy CB Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/OT-033 Forbes Hut OT Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/SL-038 Forks Hut SL
Hut ZLH/SL-037 Forks Hut SL Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/MW-012 Forks Hut MW Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/MB-016 Fosters Hut MB Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/NL-002 Frampton's Hut NL
Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/SL-039 FREDS CAMP HUT SL Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/SL-040 Freeman Burn Hut SL Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/OT-034 French Ridge Hut OT Serviced-Alpine Hut
Hut ZLH/WC-044 Frew Hut WC Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/WC-045 Frew Saddle Bivvy WC Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/WC-046 Frisco Hut WC Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/CB-074 Gabriel Hut CB Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/CB-075 Gardiner Hut CB Serviced-Alpine Hut
Hut ZLH/SL-042 Garston Ski Hut SL Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/TM-033 George Lyon (formerly Ella) Hut TM Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/SL-043 George Sound Hut SL Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/WC-047 Gerhardt Spur Bivvy WC Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/SL-044 Glade House SL
Hut ZLH/SL-045 Glaisnock Hut SL Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/CB-076 Glenrae Bivvy CB Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/CB-077 Glenrae Hut CB Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/OT-035 Glen Roy Raceman's Hut OT Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/WC-048 Goat Creek Hut WC Basic Hut/bivvy
Hut ZLH/WC-050 Goat Pass Hut WC Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/WC-049 Goat Pass Hut WC This is a standard 20-bunk hut. No fireplace.
Hut ZLH/CB-078 Godley Hut CB Standard Hut
Hut ZLH/HB-018 Gold Creek Hut HB Cozy 4-bunk NZFS hut with an efficient corker-cooker. Stream water. Mattresses and wire-mesh beds. Basic Hut/bivvy