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ID Name
CT1 Chatham Islands Territory

Place Code Activated Chased
Chatham Island ZLI/CI-001
Chatham Islands ZLI/CI-002
Houruakopara Island ZLI/CI-006
Kokope ZLI/CI-007
Little Mangere Island (Tapuaenuku) The Fort ZLI/CI-008
Manawatāwhi/Great Island ZLI/CI-009
Mangere Island ZLI/CI-011
Moekawa / South West Island ZLI/CI-012
Moropunga Island ZLI/CI-013
Motuhara (Bertier or the Forty Fours) ZLI/CI-014
Motuhinahina Island ZLI/CI-015
Moturangaranga Island ZLI/CI-016
Ōhau / West Island ZLI/CI-018
Oromaki / North East Island ZLI/CI-019
Pitt Island (Rangiauria) ZLI/CI-020
Princes Islands ZLI/CI-021
Rabbit Island ZLI/CI-022
Round Island ZLI/CI-023
South East Island (Rangatira) ZLI/CI-024
Star Keys (Motuhope) ZLI/CI-026
Sugar Loaf ZLI/CI-027
Te Awanui Island ZLI/CI-028
Te Wakaru Island ZLI/CI-029
The Castle (Rangiwheau) ZLI/CI-031
The Pyramid (Tarakoikoia) ZLI/CI-032
The Sisters (Rangitatahi) ZLI/CI-033
Titihaukai Island ZLI/CI-035
Waikawa Island ZLI/CI-036
Total Islands: 28 0 0
Lake Huro ZLL/0359
Lake Kaimoumi ZLL/0383
Lake Kaingarahu ZLL/0384
Lake Kairae ZLL/0385
Lake Koomutu ZLL/0416
Lake Makuku ZLL/0449
Lake Marakapia ZLL/0462
Lake Matangirau ZLL/0477
Lake Pateriki ZLL/0577
Lake Pukawa ZLL/0604
Lake Rakeinui ZLL/0613
Lake Rangitai ZLL/0614
Lake Rotoeka ZLL/0631
Lake Rotokawau ZLL/0646
Lake Rotoparaoa ZLL/0673
Lake Rotorua ZLL/0686
Lake Taia ZLL/0732
Lake Te Rangatapu ZLL/0758
Lake Te Wapu ZLL/0763
Lake Tuku a taupo ZLL/0778
Lake Waikauia ZLL/0806
Lake Wharemanu ZLL/0839
Lake Wharo ZLL/0840
Long Pond ZLL/0869
Pakauwera Pond ZLL/0949
Tennants Lake ZLL/1070
Te Roto ZLL/1073
Te Whanga Lagoon ZLL/1077
Total Lakes: 28 0 0
Waipaua Conservation Area ZLP/CI-0001
Tuku Nature Reserve ZLP/CI-0002
Taia Historic Reserve ZLP/CI-0003
Ocean Mail Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0004
Waipaua Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0005
Canister Cove Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0006
Three Kings Islands Nature Reserve ZLP/CI-0007
Scenic Reserve - Tioriori/Green Swamp ZLP/CI-0008
Thomas Mohi Tuuta (Rangaika) Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0009
Rangatira Nature Reserve ZLP/CI-0010
Scenic Reserve - Punakokowai/Tangepu ZLP/CI-0011
Henga Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0012
Mangere Island Nature Reserve ZLP/CI-0013
Cannon - Peirce Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0014
Scenic Reserve - Lake Rotokawau ZLP/CI-0015
Te Awatea Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0016
Rangiauria Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0017
Taia Bush Historic Reserve ZLP/CI-0019
JM Barker (Hapupu) National Historic Reserve ZLP/CI-0021
J M Barker (Hapupu) Historic Reserve ZLP/CI-0022
Harold Peirce Memorial Scenic Reserve ZLP/CI-0023
Chudleigh Conservation Area ZLP/CI-0026
Scenic Reserve - Chudleigh ZLP/CI-0028
Nikau Bush Conservation Area ZLP/CI-0029
Scenic Reserve - Lower Nikau Bush ZLP/CI-0030
Waikawa Islands Marginal Strips ZLP/CI-0043
Pacific Ocean Marginal Strip ZLP/CI-0044
Total Parks: 27 0 0
Waipaua Conservation Area NZ-0292
Tuku Nature Reserve NZ-0293
Taia Historical Reserve NZ-0294
Tuku Nature Reserve NZ-0362
Taia Historical Reserve NZ-0363
Ocean Mail Scenic Reserve NZ-0686
Waipaua Scenic Reserve NZ-0687
Canister Cove Scenic Reserve NZ-0688
Total POTA Parks: 8 0 0
SOTA Summit
Manawatawhi / Great Island ZL1/NL-073
South West Island ZL1/NL-091
West Island ZL1/NL-097
ZL7/CI-001 ZL7/CI-001
Mangere Island ZL7/CI-002
Waihere ZL7/CI-003
Rangatira Island ZL7/CI-004
Little Mangere Island ZL7/CI-005
Mt Chudleigh ZL7/CI-006
The Pyramid ZL7/CI-007
The Castle (Rangiwheau) ZL7/CI-008
Total SOTA Summits: 11 0 0