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Large lake east of Lake Wanaka, extending north-south for approximately 38km, fed principally by the Hunter River at the north, and draining into the Hāwea River at the south. Feature shown on Infomap 346-02 Te Wai Pounamu Edition 1 1995; NZTopo50 maps BZ13-Haast Pass / Tioripatea, GR 150 860; CA12-Minaret Bay, GR 989 717; and CA13-Lake Hawea, GR 044 662.
Public access to AZ
Via public road(s): Parry Crescent; Hodgkinson Street; Mary Lane; Ryalls Way; Ellie Place; Hawea Control Structure Access; Charles Court; Drake Place; Denniston Road; Hewson Crescent; Bodkin Street; Myra Street; Scotts Beach Road; Elizabeth Street; Makarora Lake Hawea Road; Rosella Lane; Hawea Motor Camp Road; Sarges Way; Timaru Creek Road; Dingle Burn Station Road; Hunter Valley Station Road; Domain Road; Lakeview Terrace; Noema Terrace; Muir Road; Hawea Control Structure Road; Flora Dora Parade; Nichol Street; Moraine Place; Skinner Crescent; Hawea Esplanade Road; Skylark Place; Katies Way; Capell Avenue; Edna Lane; Lake Hawea Albert Town Road; Meads Road; 9 unnamed road(s)
Via DOC track(s): Timaru Creek / Breast Hill Track; Bottom Bay Track; Kidds Bush Nature Walk; Dingle Burn Valley Track; Craig Burn Access Track; Lower Timaru Creek Track; Sawyer Burn Track; Dingle Burn Peninsula Track; Isthmus Peak Track; Timaru High River Track; Lake Hawea Track
Via park(s): Hawea Recreation Reserve (Pt); Timaru River Marginal Strip; Hawea Conservation Park; Turihuka Conservation Area; Hawea Esplanade; Matatiaho Conservation Area; Manuhaea Conservation Area; Rocky Point Conservation Area; Hawea Conservation Area; Silver Island Scenic Reserve (Lake Hawea); Timaru Creek Recreation Reserve; Lake Hawea Conservation Area; Hawea Cemetery; Little Hopwood Burn Marginal Strip; Johns Creek Recreation Reserve; Hawea - Accessways and Road Reserves; Lake Hawea (Western Shore) Recreation Reserve; Gladstone Conservation Area; Capell Ave/Bodkin Street Local Purpose Reserve (Hawea)
Info Origin
Named in association with the adjacent CPA Hāwea Conservation Park, River, Flat, Locality and Island. Proposed by the Board in 2009. Hāwea is derived from the tupuna Hāwea-i-te-raki, whose name was applied by his descendants to the Waitaha hapu of Ngāti Hāwea. Waitaha are part of the Ngāi Tahu whanui. Lake Hawea is referred to in the whakatauki saying “Ngā Puna Wai Karikari o Rakaihautu”, in which the rangatira Rakaihautu is said to have dug the lake with his kō (digging stick).
Lies within
Ngāi Tahu country
NZTM2000: 1314990, 5085996
15165.13 ha
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