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Home  -->  Districts:  -->  Lower Hutt City
Stats for callsign
Place Code Activated Chased
ZL1/HWL-023 ZL1/HWL-023
ZL1/HWL-027 ZL1/HWL-027
Whakanui Track (high point) ZL1/HWL-029
McKerrow ZL1/HWL-030
Baker ZL1/HWL-079
Mowlem (high point) ZL1/HWL-117
Mt Grace ZL1/HWL-137
Towai (high point) ZL1/HWL-143
Para ZL1/HWL-204
Total HEMA Humps: 9 0 0
Barneys Whare ZLH/WL-007
Boar Inn ZLH/WL-009
Haurangi Hut ZLH/WL-019
Jans Hut ZLH/WL-023
Lock Hut ZLH/WL-028
Mahoe Hut ZLH/WL-029
Papatahi Hut ZLH/WL-041
Raukawa Lodge ZLH/WL-046
Turere Lodge ZLH/WL-057
Zacs Hut ZLH/WL-064
Total Huts: 10 0 0
Mākaro / Ward Island ZLI/WL-005
Matiu/Somes Island ZLI/WL-007
Mokopuna Island ZLI/WL-008
Total Islands: 3 0 0
Lake Kohangapiripiri ZLL/0412
Lake Kohangatera ZLL/0413
Total Lakes: 2 0 0
Light house
Baring Head ZLB/004
Matiu / Somes Island ZLB/051
Pencarrow Head (historic) ZLB/063
Pencarrow Head ZLB/064
Total Light houses: 4 0 0
Dry Creek Recreation Reserve ZLP/WL-0012
Eastbourne Domain ZLP/WL-0016
Scenic Reserve - Baring Head (East Harbour Regional Park) ZLP/WL-0018
Scenic Reserve - Northcote Street - Wainuiomata ZLP/WL-0025
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at Parkway North, Wainuiomata - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0026
Wainuiomata Scenic Reserve ZLP/WL-0029
Recreation Reserve (located off Stokes Valley Road, Lower Hutt) ZLP/WL-0032
Turakirae Head Scientific Reserve ZLP/WL-0035
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located in the vicinity of Rata Street, Wesleyhaven - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0037
Recreation Reserve - Eastern Hutt Road - Taita ZLP/WL-0044
Wainuiomata West Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/WL-0048
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at Sunny Grove, Wainuiomata - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0054
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at 42A Enfield Street, Wainuiomata - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0056
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located in the vicinity of the Eastern Hills, Wingate/Stokes Valley - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0057
Lake Kohangatera and Lake Kohangapiripiri Scientific Reserve ZLP/WL-0059
Lowry Bay Scenic Reserve ZLP/WL-0061
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located in the vicinity of the end of Seddon Street, Naenae - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0063
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at the end of Rata Street, Naenae - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0065
Mowlem Bush Scenic Reserve, Wainuiomata - Lower Hutt City ZLP/WL-0069
Scenic Reserve - Marine Drive ZLP/WL-0072
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at Wright Street, Wainuiomata - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0077
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at 215 Waddington Drive, Naenae - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0079
Scenic Reserve (located off Wainuiomata Road, Wainuiomata) ZLP/WL-0080
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located in the vicinity of the end of Whites Line East Road, Woburn - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0081
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at or in the vicinity of 53A-53D Kamahi Street, Stokes Valley - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0085
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located at the end of Wilcox Grove, Naenae - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0091
Un-named Scenic Reserve (located in the vicinity of 10 and 12 Boyd Grove, Naenae - Lower Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0098
Percy's Scenic Reserve ZLP/WL-0099
Pencarrow Head Recreation Reserve ZLP/WL-0100
Taita Scientific Reserve ZLP/WL-0103
Fitzherbert Recreation Reserve ZLP/WL-0107
Hikoikoi Reserve Recreation Reserve ZLP/WL-0109
Scenic Reserve - Manuka Street - Stokes Valley ZLP/WL-0110
Recreation Reserve (located at 27A Matuhi Street/142 Tirohanga Road, Tirohanga -Hutt City) ZLP/WL-0111
East Harbour Regional Park ZLP/WL-0391
Belmont Regional Park ZLP/WL-0392
Wainuiomata Recreation Area Regional Park ZLP/WL-0399
Total Parks: 37 0 0
Belmont Regional Park NZ-0047
East Harbour Regional Park NZ-0048
Wainuiomata Regional Park NZ-0244
Dry Creek Recreation Park NZ-0746
Total POTA Parks: 4 0 0
SOTA Summit
Papatahi ZL1/WL-025
The Peak ZL1/WL-031
ZL1/WL-046 ZL1/WL-046
Devine ZL1/WL-067
ZL1/WL-105 ZL1/WL-105
Belmont ZL1/WL-110
Boulder Hill ZL1/WL-118 YES
Lowry ZL1/WL-138 YES
Mount Cameron ZL1/WL-152
Sugarloaf (high point) ZL1/WL-168
Total SOTA Summits: 10 0 2