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Home  -->  Places:  -->  Godley Head
Light house
New replacement lighthouse after historic structure was damages in the Christchurch Earthquakes. Managed by Environment Canterbury Harbourmaster Authority.; Valid for NZART Guiding Lights award
Radius of Activation Zone
Within 5.0km or within sight
Public access to AZ
Via public road(s): Summit Road; St Leonards Square; Ocean View Terrace; Scarborough Lane; Stoke Street; Main Road; Wakefield Avenue; Esplanade; Richmond Hill Road; Taylors Mistake Road; Evans Pass Road; Clifton Terrace; Sumnervale Drive; Dryden Street; Whitfield Street; Hardwicke Street; Peninsula View; Scarborough Road; Godley Drive; Head Street; Tuawera Terrace; Panorama Road; Marriner Street; Duncan Street; Finnsarby Place; Teviotdale Way; De Thier Lane; Van Asch Street; Highview Lane; Denman Street; Clark Street; Menzies Street; Scarborough Fare; Smugglers Cove; Whitewash Head Road; Cascade Place; La Mar Lane; Paisley Street; Whiterock Lane; Sanscrit Place; Elworthy Way; Cecil Wood Way; Awaroa Lane; Sunrise Lane; Langdale Place; Thorpe Street; Appian Lane; Searidge Lane; Seaspray Lane; Westridge; Tirohanga Lane; Spinnaker Lane; Clifton Bay; Burgess Street; Oxenhope Road; Taylors Mistake Bay; Sumner Road; Heberden Avenue; Nayland Street; Truro Street; Colenso Street; Campbell Street; Arnold Street; Wiggins Street; Camp Bay Road; Old Sumner Lyttelton Road; Ridgeway Place; Sowerby Place; 4 unnamed road(s)
Via DOC track(s): Historic Foot & Pack Track; Breeze Col Mt Bike Track; Breeze Bay Walking Track; Anaconda Track; Pilgrims Way Coastal Track; Anaconda Ridge Walking Track; Godley Head Gun Emplacements Track
Via park(s): Brownlee Recreation Reserve; Recreation Reserve Richmond Hill; Te Pohue/Camp Bay Cemetery Reserve; Richmond Hill Road Recreation Reserve; Van Asch College; Pound And Quarry Reserve Sumner; Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary; Camp Bay Marginal Strip; Recreation Reserve Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake; Pukerauaruhe Island Recreation Reserve; Recreation Reserve Cave Rock; Tauhinukorokio/Mount Pleasant Scenic Reserve; Sumnervale Reserve; Godley Head Farm Park Reserve; Campbell Street Recreation Reserve; Whitewash Head/Scarborough Wildlife Refuge; Recreation Reserve Sumner; Richmond Hill Scenic Reserve; Cave Rock; Tauhinukorokio Scenic Reserve; Adderley Head Scenic Reserve; Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake Road Reserve; Recreation Ground - Wakefield Ave; Rapanui Scenic Reserve; Scarborough Farm Recreation Reserve; South Pacific Ocean Esplanade Reserve; Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake Recreation Reserve
Distance from nearest road
Lies within
NZTM2000: 1584503, 5173934 (alt: 60m)
Valid for NZART awards?
Valid From
First activation


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7 Activations (View) 56 Contacts (View)

Photos of this place
Img 20241123 120816 thumb Img 20241123 210628 thumb

[ZLP/CB-0186] Scarborough Farm Recreation Reserve
[ZLP/CB-1720] Brownlee Recreation Reserve
[ZLP/CB-3379] Te Pohue/Camp Bay Cemetery Reserve
[ZLP/CB-3574] Richmond Hill Road Recreation Reserve
[ZLP/CB-1565] Van Asch College
[ZLP/CB-2519] Pound And Quarry Reserve Sumner
[ZLP/CB-0235] Adderley Head Scenic Reserve
[ZLP/CB-1088] Camp Bay Marginal Strip
[ZLP/CB-1287] Recreation Reserve Cave Rock
[ZLP/CB-1038] Sumnervale Reserve
[ZLP/CB-2652] Campbell Street Recreation Reserve
[ZLP/CB-1110] Whitewash Head/Scarborough Wildlife Refuge
[ZLP/CB-3916] Recreation Reserve Sumner
[ZLP/CB-2862] Cave Rock
[ZLP/CB-4051] Recreation Reserve Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake
[ZLP/CB-3860] Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake Road Reserve
[ZLP/CB-2618] Recreation Ground - Wakefield Ave
[ZLP/CB-2584] Rapanui Scenic Reserve
[ZLP/CB-3602] South Pacific Ocean Esplanade Reserve
[ZLP/CB-2347] Te Onepoto/Taylors Mistake Recreation Reserve
[ZLP/CB-4644] Pukerauaruhe Island Recreation Reserve
[ZLP/CB-0160] Godley Head Farm Park Reserve

[ZLI/CB-002] Beacon Rock
[ZLI/CB-024] Pukerauaruhe Island

[ZL3/HCB-307] Evans Pass East


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