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Sorry - ZLV/AK-114 does not exist in our database

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Your search returned 27546 results. Displaying first 500 only. Please refine your search
Type ID Name Reg Related Description Filter24 Active?
Park ZLP/SL-1479 10 Ferry Road, Tuatapere SL
Park ZLP/SL-1281 11 Papatotara Road, Tuatapere SL
Park ZLP/MW-0879 246 Conservation Area MW
Park ZLP/CB-4114 78 London Street CB
Park ZLP/CB-3097 9 Woodhills Road Recreation Reserve CB
Hut ZLH/SL-001 AA Hut SL
Dilapidated but weatherproof hut on the Waikaia Bush road. Possible an old roadmans hut.
Park ZLP/CB-2293 Abberley Park Recreation Reserve CB
Volcano ZLV/DUN-001 Abbortsford OT
Basanitic lava
Park ZLP/WL-0228 Abbots Creek Marginal Strip WL
Park ZLP/OT-1706 Abbots Creek Recreation Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-1780 Abbotts Creek Esplanade Reserve OT
Park ZLP/GI-0155 Abbott St Recreation Reserve GI
Hut ZLH/OT-001 ABC Cave OT Rock bivvy with wooden sleeping platform, table, bench. Warm and dry, but some mattresses would be nice on the hard wooden bed! Water from creek at 15m
Lake ZLL/0001 Abel Lake WC Lake on west side of Main Divide, feeding into the Perth River
Park ZLP/TM-0003 Abel Tasman National Park TM
POTA Park NZ-0034 Abel Tasman National Park TM
WWFF Park ZLFF-0001 Abel Tasman National Park TM
POTA Park NZ-0792 Abel Tasman Scenic Reserve
Park ZLP/TM-0028 Abel Tasman Scenic Reserve TM
SOTA Summit ZL3/CB-805 Abners Head CB
Basic Hut/bivvy
SOTA Summit ZL3/OT-016 Abseil Peak OT
Park ZLP/WC-0259 Abut Head Scenic Reserve WC
Park ZLP/WK-1642 Acacia Bay Esplanade Reserves WK
SOTA Summit ZL3/FL-080 Access Peak SL
Park ZLP/CB-4522 Access Reserve Avonhead CB
Park ZLP/CB-4507 Access Reserve Cashmere CB
Park ZLP/CB-4151 Access Reserve Hays Bay CB
Park ZLP/CB-4343 Access Reserve Islington CB
Park ZLP/CB-4390 Access Reserve - Walnut Ave, Netherby CB
Park ZLP/CB-4339 Access Reserve Westmorland CB
Park ZLP/CB-4451 Access Reserve - West Street, Netherby CB
Park ZLP/CB-4499 Access Reserve Woolston CB
Park ZLP/CB-4297 Access Strip - Andrewville CB
Park ZLP/SL-1566 Accessway - Bainfield Road, Invercargill SL
Park ZLP/WK-1795 Accessway - Cordyline Road, Port Waikato WK
Park ZLP/SL-1582 Accessway - Cushen Street, Clifton, Invercargill SL
Park ZLP/SL-1580 Accessway - Dunbeath Crescent, Kew SL
Park ZLP/WK-1786 Accessway - Glenfern Drive, Long Bay WK
Park ZLP/SL-1547 Accessway - Gore SL