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Lyttelton Volcano (11 – 9.7 Ma) "Lyttelton Volcanics formed in the Late Miocene between 11.0 and 9.7 Ma of hawaiite, subordinate basalt, mugearite lava flows and interbedded sediments. It is currently hypothesised that Lyttelton Volcano had two distinct centres, Lyttelton 1 at the Head of the Bay (11.0 – 10.4 Ma) and Lyttelton 2 in Charteris Bay (10.4 – 9.7 Ma)" Hampton, S. J. (2010), https://ir.canterbury.ac.nz/handle/10092/4117
Radius of Activation Zone
Within 6.0km, or within sight
Public access to AZ
Via public road(s): Ra Hana Place; Summit Road; Dyers Pass Road; Godley Quay; Foleys Road; James Drive; Norwich Quay; Cressy Terrace; Bayview Road; Koromiko Crescent; Waipapa Avenue; Ernest Adams Drive; Merlincote Crescent; Black Point Road; Mt Herbert Peak Road; Hunters Road; Whero Avenue; Ngaio Lane; Ohinehau Lane; Purau Avenue; Te Papau Crescent; Jervois Close; Waituturi Lane; Ranui Crescent; Emerson Crescent; Ngatea Road; Marama Terrace; Te Ara Crescent; Te Ra Crescent; Lachie Griffen Rise; Clem Paterson Lane; Hollybank Lane; Cholmondeley Lane; Te Wharau Lane; Kaioruru Lane; Otamuhua Lane; Doris Faigan Lane; Stoddart Terrace; Taimana Lane; Euan Sarginson Place; Athol Place; Takutai Place; Patiki Place; Kura Lane; Tau Crescent; Gladstone Quay; Park Terrace; Brittan Terrace; Reserve Terrace; Hawkhurst Road; Canterbury Street; Worsleys Road; The Terrace; Rapaki Drive; Marina Access; Charlotte Jane Quay; Cyrus Williams Quay; Walkers Road; Harmans Road; Simeon Quay; Dublin Street; Voelas Road; Cunningham Terrace; Ticehurst Road; Bridle Path; St Davids Street; London Street; Randolph Terrace; Jacksons Road; Selwyn Road; Ross Terrace; Cornwall Road; Sutton Quay; Foster Terrace; Zephyr Terrace; Hays Rise; Lighthouse Lane; Cass Bay Place; Buxtons Road; Wilsons Road; George Seymour Quay; Seaview Terrace; Dudley Road; Ticehurst Terrace; Dalleys Lane; Harkess Lane; Upham Terrace; Leading Light Lane; Chrystalwood Lane; Cresswell Avenue; Hyland Brae; Glas Brae; Korora Tahi Road; Kina Road; Pages Road; Webb Lane; Coleridge Terrace; Flimwell Lane; Selwyn Parade; Shackleton Terrace; Selwyn Lane; Keebles Lane; Gilmour Terrace; Watsons Lane; Donald Street; Gaol Steps; Stevensons Steep; Ross Parade; Charteris Bay Road; Tunnel Road; Governors Bay Teddington Road; Marine Drive; Purau Port Levy Road; Governors Bay Road; Bamfords Road; Andersons Road; Sumner Road; Allandale Lane; Main Road; Oxford Street; Rawhiti Street; Omaru Road; Exeter Street; Winchester Street; Ripon Street; Church Lane; Monalua Avenue; Bay Heights; Jetty Road; Sandy Beach Road; Mariners Cove; Bayview Place; Harbour View Terrace; Kaikomako Place; Gebbies Pass Road; Camp Bay Road; Muriwai Drive; 34 unnamed road(s)
Via DOC track(s): Mt Herbert W/Way Orton Bradley Section; Mt Herbert W/Way Diamond Harbour Section; Quail Island Walkway
Via park(s): Local Purpose Reserve Purau; Hoon Hay Scenic Reserve; Recreation Reserve Heathcote Valley; Governors Bay Scenic Reserve; Recreation Reserve Motukauatirahi/Cass Bay; Mt Cavendish Scenic Reserve; Scenic Reserve Dyers Pass; Black Point Reserves; Recreation Reserve Purau; Scott Recreation Reserve; Esplanade Reserve Purau; Pioneer Women Memorial Reserve Bridle Path; Coronation Hill Historic Reserve; Lyttelton Sports Grounds; Recreation Reserve Kaioruru/Church Bay; Ahuriri Bush Scenic Reserve; Road Reserve Motukauatirahi/Cass Bay; Former Youth Camp Governors Bay Historic Reserve; Recreation Reserve Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour; Plantation Reserve Te Wharau/Charteris Bay; Cemetery Reserve Lyttelton; Stoddart Point Local Purpose Reserve; Stoddart Point Cemetery; Conservation Area Dyers Pass Road Governors Bay; Redcliffs Park Recreation Reserve; Recreation Reserve Motukauatiiti/Corsair Bay; Local Purpose Reserve Public Utility Kaioruru/Church Bay; Community Buildings Reserve Governors Bay; Sage Recreation Reserve; Local Purpose Reserve Motukauatirahi/Cass Bay; Witch Hill Scenic Reserve; Stoddart Point Historic Reserve; Victoria Park Recreation Reserve; King Billy Island Scenic Reserve; Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary; Recreation Reserve Lyttelton; Recreation Reserve Te Wharau/Charteris Bay; Douglas Scenic Reserve; Street Reserve Lyttelton; Cass Peak Scenic Reserve; Local Purpose Reserve Swimming Baths Lyttelton; Sugarloaf Scenic Reserve/Te Heru o Kahukura; Recreation Reserve Stoddart Point; Hoon Hay Road Esplanade Reserve; Local Purpose Reserve Governors Bay; Allandale Recreation Reserve; Te Wharau/Charteris Bay Esplanade Reserve; The Tors Scenic Reserve; Marleys Hill Scenic Reserve; Ernest Adams Drive Road Reserve; Hunter Native Forest Scenic Reserve; Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour Recreation Reserve; Kennedys Bush Scenic Reserve; Bowenvale Park Recreation Reserve; Thomson Park Scenic Reserve; Tihiokahukura/Castle Rock Scenic Reserve; Coopers Knob Scenic Reserve; Local Purpose Reserve Public Utility Ernest Adams; Scenic Reserve Governors Bay; Esplanade Reserve Teddington; Lyttelton Recreation Reserve; Access Reserve Hays Bay; Conservation Area Summit Road Gebbies Pass; Local Purpose Reserve Kaioruru/Church Bay; Recreation Reserve Purau Bay; Local Purpose Reserve Public Utility Governors Bay; Accessway Reserve Governors Bay; Road Reserve Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour; Quail Island Recreation Reserve; Governors Bay Recreation Reserve; Cemetery Lyttelton; Scenic Reserve Kennedys Bush; Sandy Beach Road Recreation Reserve; Local Purpose Reserve Public Buildings Lyttelton
Field Name
Lyttelton Volcanic Group
Date Range
9.7M years ago to 11.0M years ago
Lies within
Ngāi Tahu country
NZTM2000: 1574170, 5167806 (alt: -1m)
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2 Activations (View) 21 Contacts (View)

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[ZL3/HCB-284] The Tors

[ZL3/CB-806] Coopers Knob
[ZL3/CB-860] Te Hero o Kahukura / Sugar Loaf

[ZLH/CB-224] Otamahau Hut

[ZLV/DIA-003] Stoddart Basalt (Diamond Harbour)
[ZLV/DIA-001] Darra Basanitoid (Quail Island)


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