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Your search returned 27294 results. Displaying first 500 only. Please refine your search
Type ID Name Reg Related Description Filter24 Active?
WWFF Park ZLFF-0102 Albert Burn Conservation Area OT
POTA Park NZ-0072 Albert Burn Conservation Area OT
Hut ZLH/OT-002 Albert Burn Hut OT Standard Hut
Park ZLP/OT-0293 Albert Burn Marginal Strip OT
SOTA Summit ZL3/SL-028 Albert Edward Peak SL
Lake ZLL/0006 Albert Lake CB
Small man made lake, east of Lake Victoria in North Hagley Park, Christchurch
Volcano ZLV/AK-052 Albert Park Volcano AK
SOTA Summit ZL3/OT-025 Albert Peak SL
Park ZLP/OT-1872 Albert Town Cemetery OT
Park ZLP/OT-0869 Albert Town Closed Game Area OT
Park ZLP/OT-1783 Albert Town Esplanade Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-0316 Albert Town Recreation Reserve OT
Park ZLP/TM-0516 Albion Square - Court House TM
Park ZLP/TM-0419 Albion Square Historic Reserve TM
Park ZLP/TM-0759 Albion Square - Public Offices - roadway TM
Park ZLP/TM-0606 Albion Square - Public Service -roadway TM
Park ZLP/CB-3214 Albury Marginal Strip CB
HEMA Hump ZL3/HCB-098 Albury Range (north) CB
Park ZLP/CB-1557 Albury Recreation Reserve CB
Park ZLP/WK-0211 Aldermen Islands (Ruamaahu) Nature Reserve WK
Park ZLP/WK-0210 Aldermen Islands (Ruamaahu) Wildlife Sanctuary WK
Park ZLP/OT-0096 Aldinga Conservation Area OT
Island ZLI/ZZ-002 Alert Stack
High conical islet off south-western promontory of North East Island, Snares Islands/Tini Heke.
Park ZLP/MB-0491 Alexander Motor Camp Picton MB
SOTA Summit ZL3/WC-393 Alexander Range WC
Park ZLP/OT-0122 Alexandra Aerodrome Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-0626 Alexandra Cemetery OT
Park ZLP/OT-2023 Alexandra Courthouse Historic Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-1953 Alexandra Crematory OT
Park ZLP/OT-1667 Alexandra Cultural Centre OT
Park ZLP/OT-1050 Alexandra Dam Local Purpose Amenity Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-1329 Alexandra Lakeside Recreation Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-1887 Alexandra Municipal Buildings OT
Park ZLP/OT-0267 Alexandra Recreation Reserve OT
Park ZLP/OT-0428 Alexandra Town Belt OT
Park ZLP/OT-0353 Alfern Creek Conservation Area OT
Park ZLP/CB-2498 Alford Forest Recreation Reserve CB
Park ZLP/CB-0551 Alford Scenic Reserve CB
Park ZLP/GI-0097 Alfred Cox Park GI
HEMA Hump ZL3/HCB-109 Alfred (east) CB