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Stats for callsign
Place Code Activated Chased
Ben More ZL3/HCB-042
ZL3/HCB-064 ZL3/HCB-064
Rabbit Hill ZL3/HCB-086
ZL3/HCB-088 ZL3/HCB-088
Boundary Hill (high point) ZL3/HCB-101
Russell Peak (high point) ZL3/HCB-127
Russell Range (west) ZL3/HCB-128
Round Top ZL3/HCB-141
ZL3/HCB-150 ZL3/HCB-150
ZL3/HCB-179 ZL3/HCB-179
Lady Barker Range ZL3/HCB-181
ZL3/HCB-193 ZL3/HCB-193
Lake Hill ZL3/HCB-198
Haycock ZL3/HCB-207
Wyndale Hills (north) ZL3/HCB-211
Little Snowdon ZL3/HCB-219
ZL3/HCB-226 ZL3/HCB-226
ZL3/HCB-237 ZL3/HCB-237
ZL3/HCB-245 ZL3/HCB-245
Harper Hills ZL3/HCB-280
Total HEMA Humps: 20 0 0
Anderson's Hut ZLH/CB-004
Anti Crow Hut ZLH/CB-006
Ant Stream Bivvy ZLH/CB-007
Ant Stream Hut ZLH/CB-008
Avoca Homestead ZLH/CB-009
Avoca Hut ZLH/CB-010
Back Basin Hide ZLH/CB-011
Barker Hut ZLH/CB-014
Basins Hut (new) ZLH/CB-017
Basins Hut (old) ZLH/CB-018
Bealey Hut ZLH/CB-019
Bealey Spur Hut ZLH/CB-020
Benmore Hut ZLH/CB-021
Broken River Hut ZLH/CB-028
Bull Creek Hut ZLH/CB-030
Candlesticks Bivvy ZLH/CB-034
Canyon Creek Bivvy ZLH/CB-035
Carrington Hut ZLH/CB-040
Casey Hut ZLH/CB-041
Cass Saddle Hut ZLH/CB-042
Crow Hut ZLH/CB-052
East Hawdon Biv ZLH/CB-064
Edwards Hut ZLH/CB-065
Esk Bivvy ZLH/CB-069
Hamilton Hut ZLH/CB-086
Hawdon Hut ZLH/CB-089
Lagoon Saddle A Frame Hut ZLH/CB-111
Lagoon Saddle Hut ZLH/CB-112
Lochinvar Hut ZLH/CB-119
Lower Salmon Creek Biv ZLH/CB-121
Minchin Bivvy ZLH/CB-134
Mingha Bivvy ZLH/CB-135
Moa Stream Hut ZLH/CB-137
Nigger Huts ZLH/CB-143
Park Morpeth Hut ZLH/CB-152
Poulter Hut ZLH/CB-159
Poulter Valley Bivvy ZLH/CB-160
Puketeraki Bivvy ZLH/CB-161
Ranger Bivvy ZLH/CB-162
Sudden Valley Bivvy ZLH/CB-187
Trust/Poulter Hut ZLH/CB-200
Turnbull Bivvy ZLH/CB-201
Unknown Stream Hut ZLH/CB-203
Urquhart's Hut ZLH/CB-206
Waimakariri Falls Hut ZLH/CB-208
Waimak Gorge - Hamilton Hut ZLH/CB-209
Weka Burnet Bivvy ZLH/CB-214
West Harper Hut ZLH/CB-215
Worsley Bivvy ZLH/CB-221
Total Huts: 49 0 0
Browns Rock ZLI/CB-004
Rakaia Island ZLI/CB-026
Total Islands: 2 0 0
Blackwater Lake ZLL/0032
Casey Tarn ZLL/0061
Coopers Lagoon/Muriwai ZLL/0077
Lake Catherine ZLL/0242
Lake Coleridge ZLL/0256
Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora ZLL/0287
Lake Evelyn ZLL/0295
Lake Georgina ZLL/0308
Lake Grace ZLL/0311
Lake Grasmere ZLL/0312
Lake Hawdon ZLL/0329
Lake Henrietta ZLL/0337
Lake Ida ZLL/0365
Lake Letitia ZLL/0428
Lake Lilian ZLL/0429
Lake Lyndon ZLL/0441
Lake Marymere ZLL/0474
Lake Minchin ZLL/0496
Lake Pearson ZLL/0579
Lake Rubicon ZLL/0701
Lake Sarah ZLL/0706
Lake Selfe ZLL/0709
Margarets Tarn ZLL/0892
Mavis Lake ZLL/0899
Mystery Tarn ZLL/0924
Rakaia Lagoon ZLL/0984
Red Lakes ZLL/0991
Vagabonds Inn ZLL/1115
Total Lakes: 28 0 0
Arthurs Pass National Park ZLP/CB-0001
Craigieburn Forest Park ZLP/CB-0011
Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands Park ZLP/CB-0015
Lochinvar Forest Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0020
Central Southern Alps Wilberforce Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0034
Conservation Area - Castle Hill ZLP/CB-0041
Greenpark Sands Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0076
Hawdon Flats Reserve (held for national park purposes - proposed addition to Arthur's Pass National Park) ZLP/CB-0084
Porter Heights Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0100
Peak Hill Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0111
Mt Algidus Ecological Area ZLP/CB-0120
Conservation Area - Mt Horrible ZLP/CB-0128
Conservation Area Rakaia Riverbed Martello Cliffs ZLP/CB-0148
Conservation Area Bealey/Waimakariri Riverbed ZLP/CB-0164
Conservation Area Lake Pearson ZLP/CB-0174
Lake Pearson (Moana Rua) Wildlife Refuge ZLP/CB-0182
Rockwood Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0184
Conservation Area - Cass Valley ZLP/CB-0190
Conservation Area Selwyn Riverbed Stoneydale ZLP/CB-0216
Lake Grasmere Wildlife Refuge ZLP/CB-0219
Lagoon Saddle Ecological Area ZLP/CB-0241
Conservation Area Wilberforce Riverbed ZLP/CB-0249
Castle Hill Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0263
Hororata Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0298
Kennedys Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0306
Conservation Area Rakaia Riverbed Aberavon ZLP/CB-0316
Waihora Park Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0325
Yarrs Lagoon Council Reclamation and Drainage Work ZLP/CB-0348
Glentunnel Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0349
Lake Grasmere Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0354
Scenic Reserve Kennedys Bush ZLP/CB-0456
Kowhai Pass Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0494
Weedons Domain ZLP/CB-0513
Ben More Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0574
Rhodes Park Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0575
Conservation Area Pacific Ocean Foreshore Coopers Lagoon ZLP/CB-0626
Conservation Area Rakaia Riverbed Mead ZLP/CB-0643
Conservation Area Waimakariri Riverbed Paddys Bend ZLP/CB-0702
Coes Ford Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0706
Conservation Area McQueens Lagoon ZLP/CB-0722
Conservation Area Rakaia Riverbed Dobbins Ford ZLP/CB-0751
Lincoln Golf Course Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0782
Conservation Area - Craigieburn Forest ZLP/CB-0783
Cave Stream Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0786
Lords Bush Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0794
Conservation Area Hawdon River ZLP/CB-0798
Conservation Area Hororata Riverbed ZLP/CB-0799
Lake Ida Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0802
Darfield Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0831
Lakeside Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0866
Lake Grasmere Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0883
Lords Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0897
Coalgate Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0902
Prebbleton Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0907
Conservation Area Rakaia River Margin Martello Cliffs ZLP/CB-0918
Conservation Area Rakaia River Margin Peak Hill ZLP/CB-0936
Conservation Area Selwyn Riverbed Vanliegh ZLP/CB-0937
Total Parks: 57 0 0
Arthur's Pass National Park NZ-0038
Craigieburn Forest Forest Reserve NZ-0058
Central Southern Alps Wilberforce Conservation Area NZ-0083
Castle Hill Conservation Area NZ-0086
Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands Conservation Park NZ-0147
Lochinvar Forest Conservation Area NZ-0157
Kura Tawhiti / Castle Hill Scenic Reserve NZ-0260
Lake Pearson Conservation Area NZ-0261
Greenpark Sands Conservation Area NZ-0350
Hawdon Flats Reserve NZ-0356
Porter Heights Conservation Area NZ-0673
Peak Hill Conservation Area NZ-0677
Total POTA Parks: 12 0 0
SOTA Summit
Mount Murchison ZL3/CB-063
Mount Greenlaw ZL3/CB-095
Mount Williams ZL3/CB-100
Mount Davie ZL3/CB-110
Mount Rolleston ZL3/CB-112
Rolleston Range ZL3/CB-131
Mount Harper ZL3/CB-134
ZL3/CB-142 ZL3/CB-142
ZL3/CB-143 ZL3/CB-143
Mount Enys ZL3/CB-152
Jacks Hill ZL3/CB-154
Mount Bryce ZL3/CB-161
ZL3/CB-166 ZL3/CB-166
Mount Gizeh ZL3/CB-171
Birdwood Range ZL3/CB-177
ZL3/CB-186 ZL3/CB-186
Mount Camsell ZL3/CB-188
Grey Range ZL3/CB-192
Mount Olympus ZL3/CB-196
Tobacco Range ZL3/CB-198
Packard Peak ZL3/CB-210
Gerard Peak ZL3/CB-212
Mount Oates ZL3/CB-217
North Birdwood Range ZL3/CB-218
Mount Wilson ZL3/CB-228
ZL3/CB-230 ZL3/CB-230
Mount Turnbull ZL3/CB-231
Turret Peak ZL3/CB-233
Castle Hill Peak ZL3/CB-241
The Spurs ZL3/CB-246
Mount Crossley ZL3/CB-248
ZL3/CB-253 ZL3/CB-253
Dome ZL3/CB-256
ZL3/CB-258 ZL3/CB-258
ZL3/CB-261 ZL3/CB-261
Chest Peak ZL3/CB-265
Hamilton Peak ZL3/CB-267
ZL3/CB-274 ZL3/CB-274
Mount Ethel ZL3/CB-275
Black Range (East) ZL3/CB-276
ZL3/CB-277 ZL3/CB-277
Falling Mountain ZL3/CB-279
Cascade Range ZL3/CB-287
Mount Binser ZL3/CB-296
Mount Manson ZL3/CB-299
The Candlesticks ZL3/CB-301
Red Peak ZL3/CB-302
ZL3/CB-304 ZL3/CB-304
Mount Valiant ZL3/CB-305
ZL3/CB-306 ZL3/CB-306
Dampier Range ZL3/CB-307
Gray Hill ZL3/CB-308
Mount Bealey ZL3/CB-309
Mount Hunt ZL3/CB-317
Mount Findlay ZL3/CB-319
ZL3/CB-326 ZL3/CB-326
Mount Foweraker ZL3/CB-328
Shingle Hill ZL3/CB-329
Mount Scarface ZL3/CB-336
Mottram Peaks ZL3/CB-339
ZL3/CB-340 ZL3/CB-340
Cascade Range (North) ZL3/CB-343
Mount Gideon ZL3/CB-346
Peveril Peak ZL3/CB-349
ZL3/CB-350 ZL3/CB-350
Poulter Range (Mid) ZL3/CB-351
ZL3/CB-356 ZL3/CB-356
Mount White ZL3/CB-359
Poulter Range (South) ZL3/CB-361
Mount Morrison ZL3/CB-367
Mount Williams ZL3/CB-369
Brown Hill ZL3/CB-370
ZL3/CB-374 ZL3/CB-374
Mount Ida ZL3/CB-382
Poulter Range (North) ZL3/CB-388
Purple Hill ZL3/CB-391
ZL3/CB-392 ZL3/CB-392
ZL3/CB-393 ZL3/CB-393
Black Range (West) ZL3/CB-397
Gargarus ZL3/CB-404
Lookout Peak ZL3/CB-407
Red Hill ZL3/CB-411
Mount Oakden ZL3/CB-414
Mount Bruce ZL3/CB-416
Dampier Corner ZL3/CB-417
ZL3/CB-430 ZL3/CB-430
Green Hill ZL3/CB-432
ZL3/CB-436 ZL3/CB-436
ZL3/CB-437 ZL3/CB-437
Castle Hill ZL3/CB-446
Mount Lyndon ZL3/CB-460
Mount Cotton ZL3/CB-466
ZL3/CB-469 ZL3/CB-469
ZL3/CB-471 ZL3/CB-471
Cloudy Hill ZL3/CB-474
Mount Fitzwilliam ZL3/CB-492
Sugar Loaf ZL3/CB-504
Black Hill ZL3/CB-512
Knuckles ZL3/CB-522
ZL3/CB-523 ZL3/CB-523
ZL3/CB-531 ZL3/CB-531
ZL3/CB-534 ZL3/CB-534
Trig M ZL3/CB-536
Big Flora ZL3/CB-541
Peak Hill ZL3/CB-542
Mount Horrible ZL3/CB-545
ZL3/CB-549 ZL3/CB-549
Goldney Hill ZL3/CB-550
Russel Range (West) ZL3/CB-551
Nigger Hill ZL3/CB-559
Lyndon Lump ZL3/CB-570
The Redoubt ZL3/CB-580
Nomans Land ZL3/CB-582
Paterson Hill ZL3/CB-586
Mount Hennah ZL3/CB-587
Cass Hill ZL3/CB-591
Laings Hill ZL3/CB-594
Carriage Drive ZL3/CB-606
Little Mount Ida ZL3/CB-609
Little Knuckles ZL3/CB-610
Little Flora ZL3/CB-621
Mount Rosa ZL3/CB-624
Flock Hill ZL3/CB-641
Kaka Hill ZL3/CB-643
Bullock Hill ZL3/CB-646
Bell Hill ZL3/CB-651
High Peak ZL3/CB-654
ZL3/CB-658 ZL3/CB-658
ZL3/CB-659 ZL3/CB-659
Snowy Peak ZL3/CB-663
Mount Georgina ZL3/CB-666
Magog ZL3/CB-674
Gog ZL3/CB-677
Round Hill ZL3/CB-686
Flagpole ZL3/CB-688
Mount Barker ZL3/CB-689
ZL3/CB-696 ZL3/CB-696
The Puffer ZL3/CB-697
Whale Hill ZL3/CB-702
ZL3/CB-714 ZL3/CB-714
ZL3/CB-715 ZL3/CB-715
ZL3/CB-723 ZL3/CB-723
Long Hill ZL3/CB-724
Russel Range (East) ZL3/CB-731
Castle Hill ZL3/CB-732
Wyndale Hills ZL3/CB-738
ZL3/CB-740 ZL3/CB-740
Quartz Hill ZL3/CB-748
ZL3/CB-753 ZL3/CB-753
ZL3/CB-763 ZL3/CB-763
Pullwool Peak ZL3/CB-764
Fighting Hill ZL3/CB-765
ZL3/CB-775 ZL3/CB-775
ZL3/CB-779 ZL3/CB-779
Mount Misery ZL3/CB-782
Abners Head ZL3/CB-805
Coopers Knob ZL3/CB-806
Back Peak ZL3/CB-850
Big Ben Range ZL3/CB-857
Thesis Peak ZL3/CB-864
Mount Guinevere ZL3/CB-865
Esk Head (South Summit) ZL3/CB-868
ZL3/CB-869 ZL3/CB-869
Black Rock ZL3/CB-871
ZL3/CB-874 ZL3/CB-874
ZL3/CB-887 ZL3/CB-887
Cairn Hill ZL3/CB-889
Mount Stout ZL3/WC-116
ZL3/WC-314 ZL3/WC-314
Total SOTA Summits: 169 0 0
Arthur's Pass National Park ZLFF-0002
Craigieburn Forest Park ZLFF-0024
Korowai - Torlesse Tussocklands Conservation Park ZLFF-0027
Kura Tawhiti (Castle Hill) Scenic Reserve ZLFF-0028
Lake Pearson Conservation Area ZLFF-0029
Castle Hill Conservation Area ZLFF-0112
Central Southern Alps Wilberforce Conservation Area ZLFF-0114
Lochinvar Forest Conservation Area ZLFF-0151
Total WWFF Parks: 8 0 0