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Lake ZLL/0081 Crucible Lake OT Small, almost circular lake below Mount Alba and west of Siberia Valley. Surrounded on the downstream side by an old moraine wall, and on the upper side by the impressive slabs and bluffs of Mount Alba. The lake is always dotted with icebergs formed from ice and snow avalanches.
Lake ZLL/0082 Darby Pond TM Feature shown on: NZMS260 M26 Edition 1 1986; NZTopo50-BP23 637721
Lake ZLL/0083 Deadwood Lagoon SL Feature shown on: NZMS260 B41 C41 PtC40
Lake ZLL/0084 Deep Lake
A lakelet north of Cape Barne, on Ross Island.
Lake ZLL/0085 De Lautours Pool WK
First fishing pool upstream of SH1 road bridge over Waitahanui River
Lake ZLL/0086 Delta Tarn WC Feature shown on: NZMS260 E37 E38 Edition 1 1995 Limited Revision 1997
Lake ZLL/0087 Dew Lakes TM
Feature shown on: NZMS260 O27 Edition 2 1994; NZTopo50-BQ26 344251 and BQ26 343251
Lake ZLL/0089 Diamond Lake OT Feature shown on: NZMS260 F40 Edition 1 1991 Reprinted 1995
Lake ZLL/0090 Diamond Lake TM Feature shown on: NZMS260 M26 Edition 1 1986; BP24 673516
Lake ZLL/0088 Diamond Lake OT Feature shown on: NZMS260 E40 Edition 1 1993 Limited Revision 1996
Lake ZLL/0091 Diamond Lakes TM Feature shown on: NZMS260 M26 Edition 1 1986; NZTopo50-BP24 683508
Lake ZLL/0092 Disappearing Lake WC Small lake that Laschelles Creek flows out of (outlet underground), south of McArthur Tops.
Lake ZLL/0093 Don Juan Pond
Small very saline lake, south arm of upper Wright Valley.
Lake ZLL/0094 Don Quixote Pond
Name applied in juxtaposition to Don Juan Pond.
Lake ZLL/0095 Double Lakes SL Lakes northeast of Upper Island Hill, Stewart Island/Rakiura. Anglem Survey District.
Lake ZLL/0096 Downeys Dam OT
Feature shown on: NZMS260 F41 Edition 1 1991 Limited Revision 1996
Lake ZLL/0097 Duckpond WL
Pool at an elbow bend in Whakatikei River, 2.4km northwest of the junction of Whakatikei River with Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River. Block XIII, Akatarawa Survey District
Lake ZLL/0098 Dukes Tarn OT Feature shown on: NZMS260 E41 Edition 1994 Limited Revision 1996
Lake ZLL/0099 Dumb-bell Lake CB Feature shown on: NZMS260 H38 Edition 1 1991
Lake ZLL/0100 Earthquake Lakes WC A series of three lakes in Karamea River near its junction with Beautiful River. Leslie Survey District.
Lake ZLL/0101 Ebon Pond
A pond at the southwest extremity of Brown Peninsula in Victoria Land. Feature depicted on: NZMS 166 ST58-61/9 (1961); USGS 1:250k map ST57/60/10 2nd ed (1989)
Lake ZLL/0102 Emerald Lakes WK Feature shown on: NZMS260 T19 Edition 2 1994
Lake ZLL/0103 Engelhardt Subglacial Lake
A subglacial lake within Whillans Ice Stream on Gould Coast. c.339kmĀ² but very shallow.
Lake ZLL/0104 Enigma Lake
A small lake (1000m x 450m) in the northern foothills between Boulderclay Glacier and Gerlache Inlet, altitude 174m, permanent ice covering, located 5km E of Mt Abbott and 3.5km SW of Terra Nova Bay Station.
Lake ZLL/0105 Erua Moana WC
Feature shown on: NZMS 271 Greymouth 1988
Lake ZLL/0106 Eyles Lake SL Between McKenzie Burn and Chester Burn, approximately 6.4km north of South Fiord, Lake Te Anau. Esk Survey District.
Lake ZLL/0107 Falls Dam OT
Feature shown on: NZMS260 H41 Edition 1 1989 Reprinted 1994
Lake ZLL/0108 False Lake SL Feature shown on: NZMS260 B45
Lake ZLL/0109 Fish Lake MB Feature shown on: NZMS260 N30 Edition 1 1987
Lake ZLL/0110 Five Mile Lagoon WC Feature shown on: NZMS260 H34 G35 H35 Edition 1 1993 Reprinted 1995
Lake ZLL/0111 Flaxy Lake BP
Lake formed by the damming of Flaxy Creek
Lake ZLL/0112 Fohn Lakes SL Lakes on Fohn Saddle feeding tributaries of Olivine River, between Barrier Range and Bryneira Range.
Lake ZLL/0113 Forks Lagoon CB
Lagoon 5km west of Lake Alexandrina
Lake ZLL/0114 Fraser Dam OT
Feature shown on: NZMS260 G42 Edition 1 1990
Lake ZLL/0115 Freds Tarn CB
Approx 6 miles W of Lake Alexandrina
Lake ZLL/0116 Frying Pan Lake BP Lake in Echo Crater, which was formed by the 1886 Tarawera eruption, it is one of the worlds largest hot pools, 38,000 square metres in area and fed by numerous acid springs.
Lake ZLL/0117 Gabriel Tarn CB
Small alpine lake located in Glynn Wye Range between Mount Longfellow and Mount Edison, and feeding a tributary flowing into Gabriel Stream. NZTopo50 BU23-Boyle Village, GR 432 738.
Lake ZLL/0118 Gair Loch SL Feature shown on: NZMS260 C44 Edition 1 1997
Lake ZLL/0119 Gem Lake OT Feature shown on: NZMS260 F43 Edition 1 1993
Lake ZLL/0120 Gillows Dam WC Feature shown on: NZMS260 K29 Edition 2 1994