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Home  -->  Districts:  -->  Queenstown-Lakes District
Stats for callsign
Place Code Activated Chased
Flat Rock ZL3/HSL-020
Total HEMA Humps: 1 0 0
Albert Burn Hut ZLH/OT-002
Archie's Hut - Copper Creek ZLH/OT-003
Aspiring Hut ZLH/OT-004
Ballarat Hut - Flood Burn ZLH/OT-005
Ben Avon Hut ZLH/OT-006
Big Hopwood Burn Hut ZLH/OT-007
Boil the Billy Hut ZLH/OT-009
Bullendale Hut ZLH/OT-012
Bull Flat Hut ZLH/OT-013
Bush Hut ZLH/OT-014
Cameron Hut ZLH/OT-017
Cash's Flat Hut ZLH/OT-018
Cotters Hut ZLH/OT-019
Craigie Burn Hut ZLH/OT-020
Crystal Hut ZLH/OT-021
Daleys Flat Hut ZLH/OT-022
Dart Hut ZLH/OT-023
Dynamo Hut ZLH/OT-027
Dynamo Red Hut ZLH/OT-028
Earnslaw Hut ZLH/OT-029
Esquilant Bivvy Hut ZLH/OT-030
Ferguson Hut ZLH/OT-031
Fern Burn Hut ZLH/OT-032
Forbes Hut ZLH/OT-033
French Ridge Hut ZLH/OT-034
Greenstone Hut ZLH/OT-036
Heather Jock Hut ZLH/OT-037
Highland Creek Hut ZLH/OT-038
Home Hill Hut (restored) ZLH/OT-039
Junction Hut ZLH/OT-044
Kay Creek Hut ZLH/OT-045
Kerin Forks Hut ZLH/OT-046
Liverpool Hut ZLH/OT-051
Lochnagar Hut ZLH/OT-052
Mac's Hut ZLH/OT-053
Mae West Biv ZLH/OT-054
Makarora Hut ZLH/OT-055
McIntyre Hut ZLH/OT-057
McKellar Hut ZLH/OT-058
Meg Hut ZLH/OT-060
Mid Caples Hut ZLH/OT-061
Moonlight & Roses Hut ZLH/OT-063
Roses Hut ZLH/OT-069
Routeburn Falls Hut ZLH/OT-070
Routeburn Flats Hut ZLH/OT-071
Sam Summers Hut ZLH/OT-072
Sawyer Burn Hut ZLH/OT-073
Scrubby Hut (Hunter) ZLH/OT-074
Shelter Rock Hut ZLH/OT-076
Siberia Hut ZLH/OT-077
Siberia Hut ZLH/OT-078
Slip Creek Hut (Minaret) ZLH/OT-079
Slip Flat Hut ZLH/OT-080
Steele Creek Hut ZLH/OT-082
Stodys Hut ZLH/OT-083
Stoney Creek Hut ZLH/OT-084
Top Dingle Hut ZLH/OT-086
Top Forks Hut ZLH/OT-087
Top Forks Old Hut ZLH/OT-088
Top Timaru Hut ZLH/OT-090
Tummel Burn Hut ZLH/OT-091
Twenty Five Mile Hut ZLH/OT-092
Two Mile Hut - Remarkables ZLH/OT-093
Upper Burn Hut (remains) ZLH/OT-094
Upper Caples Hut ZLH/OT-095
Wallers Hut ZLH/OT-096
Young Hut ZLH/OT-098
Swamp Biv ZLH/OT-100
Wanaka Faces Hut ZLH/OT-104
Rockburn Shelter ZLH/OT-105
Total Huts: 71 0 0
Bull Island ZLI/OT-003
Hidden Island ZLI/OT-015
Hogget Island ZLI/OT-016
Mou Tapu ZLI/OT-024
Mou Waho ZLI/OT-025
Pigeon Island/Wāwāhi Waka ZLI/OT-028
Pig Island/Mātau ZLI/OT-030
Ruby Island ZLI/OT-036
Silver Island ZLI/OT-038
Stevensons Island ZLI/OT-039
The Island ZLI/OT-043
Tree Island ZLI/OT-045
Total Islands: 12 0 0
Arethusa Pool ZLL/0015
Crucible Lake ZLL/0081
Diamond Lake ZLL/0088
Diamond Lake ZLL/0089
Downeys Dam ZLL/0096
Dukes Tarn ZLL/0098
Lake Alta ZLL/0193
Lake Castalia ZLL/0241
Lake Diana ZLL/0267
Lake Dispute ZLL/0270
Lake Harris ZLL/0326
Lake Hāwea ZLL/0330
Lake Hayes ZLL/0333
Lake Hope ZLL/0350
Lake Isobel ZLL/0368
Lake Johnson ZLL/0376
Lake Kirkpatrick ZLL/0410
Lake Luna ZLL/0438
Lake McKay ZLL/0486
Lake McKellar ZLL/0487
Lake Mystery ZLL/0514
Lake Ned ZLL/0516
Lake Nigel ZLL/0530
Lake Reid ZLL/0617
Lake Rere ZLL/0619
Lake Sylvan ZLL/0726
Lake Unknown ZLL/0784
Lake Wakatipu ZLL/0829
Lake Wānaka ZLL/0830
Lake Wilson ZLL/0852
Lindsays Tarn ZLL/0861
Lochnagar ZLL/0868
Lucidus Lake ZLL/0876
Moke Lake ZLL/0911
Nerine Lake ZLL/0926
The Neck Lagoon ZLL/1082
Three Lagoons ZLL/1086
Total Lakes: 37 0 0
Hawea Conservation Park ZLP/OT-0001
Mt Alta Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0006 YES
Whakaari Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0007
Shotover Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0008
Caples Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0011
Albert Burn Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0012
Conservation Area - Mt Creighton ZLP/OT-0013
Mt Aurum Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0017
Greenstone Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0020
Lower Dart Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0021
Conservation Area - Ka Whenua Roimata (Ngai Tahu Giftback) ZLP/OT-0022
Black Peak Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0024
The Stack Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0025
North Motatapu Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0032
Shotover/Kimi-akau Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0035
Mt Crichton Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0036
Humboldts Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0037
Te Koroka (Slip Stream) Special Area ZLP/OT-0039
Motatapu Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0040
West Wanaka Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0042
Matatiaho Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0043
Conservation Area - Hanley Faces ZLP/OT-0048
Hunter River Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0050
Lake Rere Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0052
Rastus Burn Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0067
Coronet Peak Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0073
Boundary Creek Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0075
Ballarat Creek Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0076
Conservation Area - Mt Alfred ZLP/OT-0077
Mt Aspiring/Tititea Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0078
Mt Nicholas Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0080
Devils Creek Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0083
Ben Lomond Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0086
Lake Hayes Wildlife Refuge ZLP/OT-0089
Conservation Area - Grandview Creek ZLP/OT-0094
Conservation Area - Hospital Creek Catchment ZLP/OT-0100
Bobs Cove Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0107
Recreation Reserve - Waiorau ZLP/OT-0116
Wilsons Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0123
Conservation Area - Pt Run 701 ZLP/OT-0125
Rumbling Burn Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0128
Minaret Burn Mouth Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0146
Greenstone Road Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0148
Shotover Creek Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0152
Glenorchy Road Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0153
Queenstown - Glenorchy Road Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0157
Te Kere Haka Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0158
Breast Creek Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0162
Seven Mile Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0164
Pigeon Island/Wāwāhi Waka Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0165
Fallburn Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0173
Conservation Area - Albert Town ZLP/OT-0179
Conservation Area - Dart Beach ZLP/OT-0182
Routeburn Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0184
Dublin Bay - Outlet - Albert Town Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0193
Recreation Reserve - Mt Creighton ZLP/OT-0199
Macetown Historic Reserve ZLP/OT-0202
Mou Tapu Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0206
Twelve Mile Delta Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0208
Gladstone Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0209
Lake Hawea (Western Shore) Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0210
Conservation Area - Bluenose ZLP/OT-0211
Mou Waho Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0213
Diamond Lake (Wanaka) Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0216
Pig Island/Mātau Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0218
Diamond Lake Recreation Reserve (Wakatipu) ZLP/OT-0221
Lake Dispute Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0223
Mt Alfred Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0227
Conservation Area - Kinloch Foreshore "Reserve" ZLP/OT-0229
Damper Bay Lakeside Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0236
Conservation Area - Woodbine Island ZLP/OT-0237
Newcastle "Scenic" Reserve -"Covenant Area" (ex-Contact Energy) ZLP/OT-0244
Conservation Area - Rees River ZLP/OT-0253
Luggate Creek Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0254
Hospital Flat Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0256
Reko's Point Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0264
Queenstown Hill Commonage ZLP/OT-0265
Stevensons Island Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0274
Hawea Recreation Reserve (Pt) ZLP/OT-0276
Blanket Bay - Meiklejohns Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0279
Hikuwai Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0281
Blanket Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0287
Wanaka Golf Course ZLP/OT-0292
Kelvin Heights Golf Course ZLP/OT-0299
Matakitaki Bluff Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0303
Mt Iron Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0307
Moke Lake Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0311
Albert Town Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0316
Manuhaea Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0320
Glendhu Bluff Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0321
Conservation Area - Dan's Paddock ZLP/OT-0322
Conservation Area - Lepidium Kawarau Habitat ZLP/OT-0324
Clutha Outlet Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0347
Ben Lomond Commonage Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0350
Conservation Area - Clutha River / North Side ZLP/OT-0352
Conservation Area - Glenorchy ZLP/OT-0354
Morning Star Beach Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0355
Conservation Area - Lower Shotover ZLP/OT-0356
Queenstown Hill Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0357
Conservation Area - Dart Bridge ZLP/OT-0373
West Wanaka Bluffs Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0383
Dingle Lagoon Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0392
Slope Hill Recreation Reserve (Lake Hayes) ZLP/OT-0396
Conservation Area - Treble Cone Access Road ZLP/OT-0407
Conservation Area - McChesneys ZLP/OT-0419
Twenty Five Mile Creek Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0420
Kelvin Heights Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0433
Te Wai-o-Koroiko Scenic Reserve ZLP/OT-0440
Tuckers Beach Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0457
Autaia "scenic" reserve ZLP/OT-0462
Conservation Area - Maori Point ZLP/OT-0489
Glenorchy Foreshore Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0492
Conservation Area - Shotover River Sewage Treatment ZLP/OT-0496
Sunshine Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0500
Conservation Area - Big Beach / Shotover River ZLP/OT-0501
Roys Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0504
Conservation Area - Big Boggy Wetlands ZLP/OT-0506
Silver Island Scenic Reserve (Lake Hawea) ZLP/OT-0507
Lagoon Creek Scientific Reserve ZLP/OT-0518
Conservation Area - Clutha River / Kanes ZLP/OT-0529
Stone Creek Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0537
Lismore Street Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0538
Conservation Area - Seven Mile "Recreation Reserve" ZLP/OT-0541
Dublin Bay Recreation Reserve (Part) ZLP/OT-0551
Kanes "scenic" reserve ZLP/OT-0564
Whitechapel Flat Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0567
Conservation Area - Campbells "Reserve" ZLP/OT-0568
Conservation Area - Aspiring Hut ZLP/OT-0574
Rocky Point Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0584
Conservation Area - Arrow Junction ZLP/OT-0586
Glendhu Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0587
Queenstown Gardens ZLP/OT-0591
Frankton Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0599
The Larches Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0604
Conservation Area - Kanes Reserve ZLP/OT-0605
Greenstone Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0608
Frankton Arm Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0621
Eely Point Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0633
Wanaka Showgrounds and Camp ZLP/OT-0636
Station Creek Conservation Area ZLP/OT-0648
Beach Bay Recreation Reserve (Walter Peak) ZLP/OT-0652
Kelvin Peninsula Recreation Reserve (Earnslaw Slipway) ZLP/OT-0656
Pembroke Park ZLP/OT-0660
Beacon Point Recreation Reserve ZLP/OT-0672
Conservation Area - Rees Valley Road ZLP/OT-0673
Total Parks: 145 0 1
Mount Aspiring National Park NZ-0041
Albert Burn Conservation Area NZ-0072
Caples Conservation Area NZ-0079
Mt Creighton Conservation Area NZ-0103
Greenstone Conservation Area NZ-0130
Hawea Conservation Park NZ-0134
Mt Alta Conservation Area NZ-0169 YES
Mt Aurum Regional Reserve NZ-0170
Shotover Conservation Area NZ-0203
Whakaari Conservation Area NZ-0238
Ka Whenua Roimata Conservation Area NZ-0429
Black Peak Conservation Area NZ-0430
The Stack Conservation Area NZ-0432
North Motatapu Conservation Area NZ-0438
Shotover/Kimi-akau Conservation Area NZ-0440
Mt Crichton Conservation Area NZ-0441
Humboldts Conservation Area NZ-0442
Te Koroka (Slip Stream) Protected Area NZ-0444
Motatapu Conservation Area NZ-0445
West Wanaka Conservation Area NZ-0446
Matatiaho Conservation Area NZ-0448
Hanley Faces Conservation Area NZ-0453
Hunter River Conservation Area NZ-0455
Lake Rere Recreation Reserve NZ-0457
Lower Dart Conservation Area NZ-0617
Rastus Burn Recreation Site NZ-0758
Coronet Peak Recreation Site NZ-0763
Boundary Creek Scenic Reserve NZ-0765
Ballarat Creek Conservation Area NZ-0766
Mt Alfred Conservation Area NZ-0767
Mt Aspiring / Tititea Conservation Area NZ-0768
Mt Nicholas Conservation Area NZ-0770
Devils Creek Conservation Area NZ-0771
Total POTA Parks: 33 0 1
SOTA Summit
ZL3/FL-070 ZL3/FL-070
Brenda Peak ZL3/FL-076
ZL3/FL-091 ZL3/FL-091
Hummock Peak ZL3/FL-095
Emily Peak ZL3/FL-101
ZL3/FL-112 ZL3/FL-112
ZL3/FL-227 ZL3/FL-227
ZL3/FL-252 ZL3/FL-252
Mount Earnslaw / Pikirakatahi (East Peak) ZL3/OT-001
Mount Earnslaw / Pikirakatahi (West Peak) ZL3/OT-002
Rob Roy Peak ZL3/OT-003
Mount Edward ZL3/OT-004
Sir William Peak ZL3/OT-005
Mount Avalanche ZL3/OT-006
Mount Head ZL3/OT-007
O'Leary Peak ZL3/OT-008
Centaur Peaks ZL3/OT-009
Mount Tewha ZL3/OT-010
Mount Tyndall ZL3/OT-012
Mount Ferguson ZL3/OT-013
Pluto Peak ZL3/OT-014
Mount Barth ZL3/OT-015
Abseil Peak ZL3/OT-016
Soloist Peak ZL3/OT-017
Richardson Mountains (Mid) ZL3/OT-018
Mount Strauchon ZL3/OT-019
Protuberance Peak ZL3/OT-020
Mount Ansted ZL3/OT-021
Anita Peak ZL3/OT-022
Mount Calvin ZL3/OT-023
Turret Head ZL3/OT-026
Mount Bonpland ZL3/OT-027
Mount Alta ZL3/OT-028
College Peak ZL3/OT-030
Single Cone ZL3/OT-031
Lochnagar ZL3/OT-032
Mount Lima ZL3/OT-033
ZL3/OT-034 ZL3/OT-034
ZL3/OT-036 ZL3/OT-036
Mount Larkins ZL3/OT-037
Somnus ZL3/OT-038
ZL3/OT-039 ZL3/OT-039
Black Peak ZL3/OT-040
Highlander Peak ZL3/OT-041
Mount Clarke ZL3/OT-042
Richardson Mountains (South) ZL3/OT-043
Mount Aeolus ZL3/OT-044
ZL3/OT-045 ZL3/OT-045
Mount Maitland ZL3/OT-046
Tongue Spur ZL3/OT-047
Chosspile Peaks ZL3/OT-048
ZL3/OT-049 ZL3/OT-049
ZL3/OT-050 ZL3/OT-050
Little Lochnagar ZL3/OT-051
Richardson Mountains (North) ZL3/OT-052
Cosmos Peaks ZL3/OT-053
Cleft Peak ZL3/OT-054
Mount Aurum ZL3/OT-055
Mount Wyn Irwin ZL3/OT-056
Fog Peak ZL3/OT-057
Teds Spur ZL3/OT-059
ZL3/OT-060 ZL3/OT-060
Craigroyston Peak ZL3/OT-061
ZL3/OT-062 ZL3/OT-062
Mount Tole ZL3/OT-063
Triple Peak ZL3/OT-064 YES
Mount Repulse ZL3/OT-065
ZL3/OT-066 ZL3/OT-066
Celtic Peak ZL3/OT-067
Minaret Peaks ZL3/OT-068
Mount Awful ZL3/OT-069
ZL3/OT-071 ZL3/OT-071
ZL3/OT-072 ZL3/OT-072
ZL3/OT-073 ZL3/OT-073
ZL3/OT-075 ZL3/OT-075
Dragonfly Peak ZL3/OT-076
ZL3/OT-077 ZL3/OT-077
ZL3/OT-078 ZL3/OT-078
ZL3/OT-079 ZL3/OT-079
Mount Turner ZL3/OT-080
ZL3/OT-081 ZL3/OT-081
ZL3/OT-082 ZL3/OT-082
Mount Kuri ZL3/OT-083
ZL3/OT-084 ZL3/OT-084
Hedin Peak ZL3/OT-085
ZL3/OT-086 ZL3/OT-086
ZL3/OT-087 ZL3/OT-087
Mount Twilight ZL3/OT-088
Major Peak ZL3/OT-090
ZL3/OT-091 ZL3/OT-091
Bold Peak ZL3/OT-092
ZL3/OT-093 ZL3/OT-093
ZL3/OT-094 ZL3/OT-094
Mount Butement ZL3/OT-095
End Peak ZL3/OT-097
ZL3/OT-100 ZL3/OT-100
Sharks Tooth Peak ZL3/OT-101
ZL3/OT-102 ZL3/OT-102
Tent Peak ZL3/OT-103
Temple Peak ZL3/OT-104
Treble Cone ZL3/OT-105
Leaning Mount ZL3/OT-106
James Peak ZL3/OT-107
Upper Peak ZL3/OT-108
Round Hill ZL3/OT-110
Mount Albert ZL3/OT-111
Triplet Mountain ZL3/OT-112
Tooth Peak ZL3/OT-113
Mount Hyde ZL3/OT-114
ZL3/OT-115 ZL3/OT-115
ZL3/OT-116 ZL3/OT-116
ZL3/OT-117 ZL3/OT-117
Mount Buck ZL3/OT-118
Mount Motatapu ZL3/OT-119
Mount Vesta ZL3/OT-120
Terrace Peak ZL3/OT-121
ZL3/OT-122 ZL3/OT-122
ZL3/OT-123 ZL3/OT-123
ZL3/OT-124 ZL3/OT-124
ZL3/OT-125 ZL3/OT-125
ZL3/OT-126 ZL3/OT-126
Homestead Peak ZL3/OT-127
Niger Peak ZL3/OT-128
ZL3/OT-129 ZL3/OT-129
ZL3/OT-130 ZL3/OT-130
Mount Patriarch ZL3/OT-131
Lois Peak ZL3/OT-132
Mount Juno ZL3/OT-133
Mount Arne ZL3/OT-134
Mount Doris ZL3/OT-135
ZL3/OT-136 ZL3/OT-136
Buchanan Peaks ZL3/OT-138
Minos Peak ZL3/OT-139
Mount Shrimpton ZL3/OT-140
The Remarkables ZL3/OT-141
Teat Ridge ZL3/OT-142
ZL3/OT-143 ZL3/OT-143
ZL3/OT-144 ZL3/OT-144
ZL3/OT-145 ZL3/OT-145
Mount Eostre ZL3/OT-146
Mount Chaos ZL3/OT-147
ZL3/OT-148 ZL3/OT-148
Black Peak ZL3/OT-149
Wallers Spur ZL3/OT-150
Mount Erebus ZL3/OT-151
Cecil Peak ZL3/OT-152
Mount Arnold ZL3/OT-153
ZL3/OT-154 ZL3/OT-154
ZL3/OT-155 ZL3/OT-155
Jean Batten Peak ZL3/OT-156
Eyre Peak ZL3/OT-157
ZL3/OT-158 ZL3/OT-158
Mount Cunningham ZL3/OT-159
ZL3/OT-160 ZL3/OT-160
ZL3/OT-161 ZL3/OT-161
Amphion Peak ZL3/OT-162
Mount Pisa ZL3/OT-163
ZL3/OT-164 ZL3/OT-164
ZL3/OT-165 ZL3/OT-165
ZL3/OT-166 ZL3/OT-166
ZL3/OT-167 ZL3/OT-167
ZL3/OT-168 ZL3/OT-168
Mount Broome ZL3/OT-169
ZL3/OT-170 ZL3/OT-170
ZL3/OT-171 ZL3/OT-171
ZL3/OT-172 ZL3/OT-172
ZL3/OT-173 ZL3/OT-173
The Sentinel ZL3/OT-174
Mount Jumbo ZL3/OT-175
ZL3/OT-176 ZL3/OT-176
Mount Nox ZL3/OT-177
ZL3/OT-178 ZL3/OT-178
ZL3/OT-179 ZL3/OT-179
Mount Cardrona ZL3/OT-180
Misty Peak ZL3/OT-181
ZL3/OT-182 ZL3/OT-182
ZL3/OT-183 ZL3/OT-183
Young Peak ZL3/OT-185
ZL3/OT-186 ZL3/OT-186
ZL3/OT-188 ZL3/OT-188
ZL3/OT-189 ZL3/OT-189
ZL3/OT-190 ZL3/OT-190
Turret Peaks ZL3/OT-191
Mount Xenicus ZL3/OT-192
Mount Turnbull ZL3/OT-193
Mount Campbell ZL3/OT-194
Teat Ridge ZL3/OT-195
ZL3/OT-196 ZL3/OT-196
Mount Greenland ZL3/OT-197
ZL3/OT-199 ZL3/OT-199
Seton Peak ZL3/OT-200
Symmetry Peaks ZL3/OT-201
ZL3/OT-202 ZL3/OT-202
ZL3/OT-203 ZL3/OT-203
ZL3/OT-204 ZL3/OT-204
ZL3/OT-205 ZL3/OT-205
ZL3/OT-206 ZL3/OT-206
ZL3/OT-207 ZL3/OT-207
ZL3/OT-210 ZL3/OT-210
ZL3/OT-211 ZL3/OT-211
Mount Crichton ZL3/OT-212
ZL3/OT-213 ZL3/OT-213
ZL3/OT-214 ZL3/OT-214
ZL3/OT-215 ZL3/OT-215
ZL3/OT-218 ZL3/OT-218
Sisyphus Peak ZL3/OT-219
ZL3/OT-221 ZL3/OT-221
ZL3/OT-222 ZL3/OT-222
ZL3/OT-223 ZL3/OT-223
Maungatika ZL3/OT-224
ZL3/OT-225 ZL3/OT-225
ZL3/OT-226 ZL3/OT-226
ZL3/OT-227 ZL3/OT-227
ZL3/OT-228 ZL3/OT-228
ZL3/OT-229 ZL3/OT-229
ZL3/OT-231 ZL3/OT-231
Symmetry Peaks (East) ZL3/OT-232
Ben More ZL3/OT-233
ZL3/OT-235 ZL3/OT-235
Middle Peak ZL3/OT-236
ZL3/OT-237 ZL3/OT-237
ZL3/OT-238 ZL3/OT-238
Dingle Peak ZL3/OT-239
ZL3/OT-240 ZL3/OT-240
ZL3/OT-241 ZL3/OT-241
ZL3/OT-244 ZL3/OT-244
ZL3/OT-245 ZL3/OT-245
Mount White ZL3/OT-246
Sentinel Peak ZL3/OT-247
ZL3/OT-248 ZL3/OT-248
Siberia ZL3/OT-249
Harris Mountains ZL3/OT-250
Knuckle Peak ZL3/OT-251
Walter Peak ZL3/OT-252
ZL3/OT-253 ZL3/OT-253
ZL3/OT-254 ZL3/OT-254
Camp Peaks ZL3/OT-255
Mount Gilbert ZL3/OT-256
Silverhorn ZL3/OT-258
ZL3/OT-260 ZL3/OT-260
ZL3/OT-261 ZL3/OT-261
ZL3/OT-262 ZL3/OT-262
ZL3/OT-263 ZL3/OT-263
Mount Soho ZL3/OT-264
Advance Peak ZL3/OT-265
Ben Lomond ZL3/OT-266
ZL3/OT-268 ZL3/OT-268
ZL3/OT-269 ZL3/OT-269
ZL3/OT-270 ZL3/OT-270
Crown Peak ZL3/OT-271
Prince of Wales ZL3/OT-272
ZL3/OT-273 ZL3/OT-273
ZL3/OT-274 ZL3/OT-274
Twenty Five Mile Spur ZL3/OT-275
ZL3/OT-276 ZL3/OT-276
ZL3/OT-277 ZL3/OT-277
ZL3/OT-279 ZL3/OT-279
ZL3/OT-280 ZL3/OT-280
ZL3/OT-281 ZL3/OT-281
ZL3/OT-282 ZL3/OT-282
Twin Peaks ZL3/OT-284
Powder Flask Peak ZL3/OT-285
ZL3/OT-286 ZL3/OT-286
Corner Peak ZL3/OT-287
ZL3/OT-289 ZL3/OT-289
Duncans Knob ZL3/OT-291
ZL3/OT-292 ZL3/OT-292
Topsey ZL3/OT-293
ZL3/OT-295 ZL3/OT-295
ZL3/OT-297 ZL3/OT-297
ZL3/OT-298 ZL3/OT-298
Church Hill ZL3/OT-300
ZL3/OT-301 ZL3/OT-301
Coronet Peak ZL3/OT-302
Little Breast Hill ZL3/OT-305
ZL3/OT-307 ZL3/OT-307
Bowen Peak ZL3/OT-310
Mount Alpha ZL3/OT-311
ZL3/OT-313 ZL3/OT-313
Home Hill ZL3/OT-314
ZL3/OT-316 ZL3/OT-316
ZL3/OT-317 ZL3/OT-317
Quartz Knoll ZL3/OT-318
ZL3/OT-319 ZL3/OT-319
Breast Hill ZL3/OT-320
Bayonet Peaks ZL3/OT-321
ZL3/OT-325 ZL3/OT-325
ZL3/OT-326 ZL3/OT-326
ZL3/OT-331 ZL3/OT-331
Little Shiel Hill ZL3/OT-332
ZL3/OT-333 ZL3/OT-333
Mount Nicholas ZL3/OT-334
Brow Peak ZL3/OT-335
Breast Peak ZL3/OT-336
Glen Dene Ridge ZL3/OT-337
ZL3/OT-338 ZL3/OT-338
ZL3/OT-344 ZL3/OT-344
Isthmus Peak ZL3/OT-348
Mount Alfred/Ari ZL3/OT-349
Sugar Loaf ZL3/OT-351
Pasture Hill ZL3/OT-352
Mount Maude ZL3/OT-356
Mount Dewar ZL3/OT-358
Mount Selwyn ZL3/OT-362
Jessie Peak ZL3/OT-372
ZL3/OT-379 ZL3/OT-379
ZL3/OT-386 ZL3/OT-386
ZL3/OT-388 ZL3/OT-388
Bobs Peak ZL3/OT-389
ZL3/OT-390 ZL3/OT-390
ZL3/OT-391 ZL3/OT-391
Wedge Peak ZL3/OT-394
ZL3/OT-399 ZL3/OT-399
Lookout Hill ZL3/OT-400
ZL3/OT-402 ZL3/OT-402
ZL3/OT-403 ZL3/OT-403
The Peninsula ZL3/OT-404
The Point ZL3/OT-405
Mount Malcolm ZL3/OT-406
ZL3/OT-412 ZL3/OT-412
Mount Beetham ZL3/OT-414
ZL3/OT-415 ZL3/OT-415
Sugar Loaf ZL3/OT-416
ZL3/OT-421 ZL3/OT-421
Peninsula Hill ZL3/OT-424
The Peninsula ZL3/OT-431
ZL3/OT-432 ZL3/OT-432
ZL3/OT-433 ZL3/OT-433
Rocky Mountain ZL3/OT-437
Morven Hill ZL3/OT-440
Ferry Hill ZL3/OT-450
Slope Hill ZL3/OT-462
Mount Barker ZL3/OT-471
Mount Brown ZL3/OT-476
Mount Iron ZL3/OT-478
ZL3/OT-480 ZL3/OT-480
Mou Tapu ZL3/OT-487
Minaret Bay ZL3/OT-488
Roys Peninsula ZL3/OT-489
ZL3/OT-490 ZL3/OT-490
Tyrwhitt Peak ZL3/OT-493
Pigeon Island / Wāwāhi Waka ZL3/OT-496
Mount Pollux ZL3/WC-029
Mount Castor ZL3/WC-031
Fastness Peak ZL3/WC-059
Mount Alba ZL3/WC-062
Pickelhaube ZL3/WC-089
Mount Ragan ZL3/WC-092
Mount Barff ZL3/WC-093
Barrier Range ZL3/WC-096
Mount Holdsworth ZL3/WC-100
Mercury Peak ZL3/WC-113
Mount Dreadful ZL3/WC-155
Leda Peak ZL3/WC-180
Eyetooth ZL3/WC-185
Mount Actor ZL3/WC-216
Mount Burke ZL3/WC-252
Mt Bertha ZL3/WC-281
Total SOTA Summits: 358 0 1
Mount Aspiring National Park ZLFF-0006
Hawea Conservation Park ZLFF-0081
Albert Burn Conservation Area ZLFF-0102
Caples Conservation Area ZLFF-0110
Mount Alta Conservation Area ZLFF-0164 YES
Mount Aurum Recreation Reserve ZLFF-0165
Mount Creighton Conservation Area ZLFF-0167
Shotover Conservation Area ZLFF-0198
Whakaari Conservation Area ZLFF-0230
Total WWFF Parks: 9 0 1