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Stats for callsign
Place Code Activated Chased
ZL3/HCB-047 ZL3/HCB-047
Horrible Spur ZL3/HCB-057
Devils Lookout ZL3/HCB-077
ZL3/HCB-087 ZL3/HCB-087
ZL3/HCB-100 ZL3/HCB-100
Broken Leg Knob ZL3/HCB-104
Amuri Range (west) ZL3/HCB-117
Hawk Range ZL3/HCB-129
ZL3/HCB-147 ZL3/HCB-147
ZL3/HCB-154 ZL3/HCB-154
ZL3/HCB-165 ZL3/HCB-165
Ben Lomond ZL3/HCB-166
ZL3/HCB-168 ZL3/HCB-168
Whales Back ZL3/HCB-178
ZL3/HCB-183 ZL3/HCB-183
ZL3/HCB-189 ZL3/HCB-189
ZL3/HCB-191 ZL3/HCB-191
ZL3/HCB-196 ZL3/HCB-196
ZL3/HCB-205 ZL3/HCB-205
ZL3/HCB-206 ZL3/HCB-206
Trig A9U9 ZL3/HCB-209
ZL3/HCB-212 ZL3/HCB-212
ZL3/HCB-218 ZL3/HCB-218
ZL3/HCB-220 ZL3/HCB-220
ZL3/HCB-225 ZL3/HCB-225
ZL3/HCB-228 ZL3/HCB-228
Hawkswood Range (north) ZL3/HCB-229
ZL3/HCB-230 ZL3/HCB-230
ZL3/HCB-231 ZL3/HCB-231
ZL3/HCB-233 ZL3/HCB-233
ZL3/HCB-236 ZL3/HCB-236
ZL3/HCB-239 ZL3/HCB-239
Hawkswood Range (mid) ZL3/HCB-243
South Dean ZL3/HCB-246
Trig A9U8 ZL3/HCB-250
ZL3/HCB-251 ZL3/HCB-251
Castle Hill ZL3/HCB-253
ZL3/HCB-255 ZL3/HCB-255
ZL3/HCB-259 ZL3/HCB-259
ZL3/HCB-262 ZL3/HCB-262
Collins ZL3/HCB-264
ZL3/HCB-265 ZL3/HCB-265
ZL3/HCB-267 ZL3/HCB-267
Ben Lomond ZL3/HCB-271
Greenbrae ZL3/HCB-272
ZL3/HCB-273 ZL3/HCB-273
ZL3/HCB-275 ZL3/HCB-275
Mt Palm ZL3/HCB-276
ZL3/HCB-277 ZL3/HCB-277
ZL3/HCB-279 ZL3/HCB-279
ZL3/HCB-281 ZL3/HCB-281
ZL3/HCB-282 ZL3/HCB-282
ZL3/HCB-283 ZL3/HCB-283
Mt Styche ZL3/HCB-285
ZL3/HCB-286 ZL3/HCB-286
Moores Hill South ZL3/HCB-287
ZL3/HCB-288 ZL3/HCB-288
Mt MacDonald ZL3/HCB-290
Weka ZL3/HCB-291
Mt Grey Road ZL3/HCB-292
ZL3/HCB-293 ZL3/HCB-293
Mt Beautiful ZL3/HCB-294
ZL3/HCB-295 ZL3/HCB-295
ZL3/HCB-296 ZL3/HCB-296
ZL3/HCB-297 ZL3/HCB-297
ZL3/HCB-300 ZL3/HCB-300
Horseley Down ZL3/HCB-301
ZL3/HCB-302 ZL3/HCB-302
ZL3/HCB-303 ZL3/HCB-303
Trig A6F1 ZL3/HCB-306
Trig A6NN ZL3/HCB-312
ZL3/HCB-314 ZL3/HCB-314
One Tree Hill ZL3/HCB-316
Okarahia Downs ZL3/HCB-318
ZL3/HCB-319 ZL3/HCB-319
ZL3/HCB-321 ZL3/HCB-321
ZL3/HCB-323 ZL3/HCB-323
Mt Venus ZL3/HCB-325
ZL3/HCB-328 ZL3/HCB-328
ZL3/HCB-329 ZL3/HCB-329
ZL3/HCB-330 ZL3/HCB-330
Seadown (high point) ZL3/HCB-337
ZL3/HMB-081 ZL3/HMB-081
ZL3/HMB-087 ZL3/HMB-087
ZL3/HTM-006 ZL3/HTM-006
Total HEMA Humps: 85 0 0
Anne Hut ZLH/CB-005
Boyle Flat Hut ZLH/CB-026
Camerons Hut ZLH/CB-032
Carlyle Hut ZLH/CB-036
Caroline Creek Bivvy ZLH/CB-039
Christopher (Ada) Cullers Hut ZLH/CB-045
Christopher Hut ZLH/CB-046
Cold Stream Hut ZLH/CB-047
Devils Den Biv ZLH/CB-056
Doubtful Hut ZLH/CB-060
Doubtless Hut ZLH/CB-061
Evangaline Bivvy ZLH/CB-070
Gabriel Hut ZLH/CB-074
Glenrae Bivvy ZLH/CB-076
Glenrae Hut ZLH/CB-077
Harper Pass Bivvy ZLH/CB-088
Hope Halfway Hut ZLH/CB-094
Hope Kiwi Lodge ZLH/CB-095
Hurunui Hut ZLH/CB-098
Hurunui No. 3 Hut ZLH/CB-099
Jervois Hut ZLH/CB-104
Jollie Brook Hut ZLH/CB-105
Lake Guyon Hut ZLH/CB-113
Lake Man Bivvy ZLH/CB-114
Lucretia Hut ZLH/CB-122
Mackenzie Biv ZLH/CB-125
Mackenzie Hut ZLH/CB-126
Magdalen Hut ZLH/CB-127
Nina Hut ZLH/CB-144 YES YES
North Esk Hut (dilapidated) ZLH/CB-145
Pool Hut ZLH/CB-157 YES YES
Rokeby Hut ZLH/CB-169
Scotties Camp Hut ZLH/CB-171
Stanley Vale Hut ZLH/CB-181
Steyning Hut ZLH/CB-182
St Jacob's Hut ZLH/CB-183
Stony Stream Bivvy ZLH/CB-185
Three Mile Stream Hut ZLH/CB-193
Tin Jug Hut ZLH/CB-194
Top Hope Hut ZLH/CB-196
Tutu Hut ZLH/CB-202
Upper Nina Bivvy ZLH/CB-204
Upper South Branch Hurunui Hut ZLH/CB-205
Waiau Hut ZLH/CB-207
Total Huts: 44 2 2
Cabbage Tree Island ZLI/CB-005
Garden Island ZLI/CB-007
Manuka Island ZLI/CB-016
Total Islands: 3 0 0
Amberley Beach Lagoon ZLL/0012 YES YES
Ashworths Ponds ZLL/0019 YES YES
Blue Lagoon ZLL/0034
Gabriel Tarn ZLL/0117
Horseshoe Lake ZLL/0151 YES YES
Lake Guyon ZLL/0317
Lake Janet ZLL/0370 YES YES
Lake Man ZLL/0450
Lake Marion ZLL/0470
Lake Mary ZLL/0472
Lake Mason ZLL/0475
Lake Paget ZLL/0569
Lake Sheppard ZLL/0712
Lake Stella ZLL/0717 YES YES
Lake Sumner ZLL/0719 YES YES
Lake Taylor ZLL/0742 YES YES
Lake Tennyson ZLL/0755 YES YES
Lake Thompson ZLL/0769
Leithfield Beach Lagoon ZLL/0860 YES YES
Little Lake ZLL/0862
Loch Katrine ZLL/0865 YES YES
Mata Kopae ZLL/0895 YES YES
Mimimoto Lagoon ZLL/0903 YES YES
Morris Tarn ZLL/0918
Muddy Lakes ZLL/0919
Paradise Lake ZLL/0952
Princess Bath ZLL/0971
Raupo Pond ZLL/0989 YES YES
Total Lakes: 28 13 13
Light house
Point Gibson ZLB/068 YES YES
Total Light houses: 1 1 1
Lake Sumner Forest Park ZLP/CB-0002 YES YES
St James Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0005 YES YES
Lake Sumner (Hoka Kura) Recreational Hunting Area ZLP/CB-0012 YES YES
Hanmer Forest Park ZLP/CB-0021 YES YES
The Hossack Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0035
Upper Hope Ecological Area ZLP/CB-0037
The Poplars Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0044 YES YES
Lochiel Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0045
Conservation Area Nina Doubtful Rivers ZLP/CB-0052 YES YES
Woodbank Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0060
Jollies Pass Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0061 YES YES
The Den Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0063
Mount Grey / Maukatere Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0065 YES YES
Lower Doubtful/Boyle River Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0067
Tinline Downs Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0074
Snowden Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0077 YES YES
Seaward Forest Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0085
Conservation Area Head of Lake Sumner ZLP/CB-0118
Conservation Area Island Hills ZLP/CB-0143
Lake Tennyson Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0173 YES YES
Conservation Area Hanmer Riverbed adjoining Hanmer Forest ZLP/CB-0179
Conservation Area Pacific Ocean Foreshore ZLP/CB-0185 YES YES
Terako Downs Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0201
Lottery Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0223
Conservation Area Pacific Ocean Foreshore Waiau Rivermouth ZLP/CB-0252
Conservation Area Waitohi Riverbed Horsley Downs ZLP/CB-0278
Ngaroma Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0304
Cheviot Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0368 YES YES
Gore Bay Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0374 YES YES
Lake Guyon Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0378
Scenic Reserve Tiromoana ZLP/CB-0390
Boundary Creek Conservation Area proposed Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0408
Medbury Scientific Reserve ZLP/CB-0409
Port Robinson Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0411 YES YES
Conservation Area Leader Riverbed Parnassus ZLP/CB-0412
Napenape Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0421
Recreation Reserve Greta Valley ZLP/CB-0424
Cranky Tom Conservation Area proposed Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0429
Wairangi Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0441
Mata Kopae/St Annes Lagoon Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0467 YES YES
Conservation Area Pacific Oceam Foreshore Evesham ZLP/CB-0468
Manuka Bay Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0481
Waiau Rivermouth Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0486
Balmoral Fire Lookout Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0500
Shag Rock Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0508
Conservation Area Pacific Ocean Foreshore Napenape ZLP/CB-0524 YES YES
Conservation Area Mason Waiau Riverbeds ZLP/CB-0537
Hurunui Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0547
Tiromoana Scenic Reserve ZLP/CB-0564
Conservation Area Hanmer Field Base and Picnic Are ZLP/CB-0584 YES YES
Waiau Rivermouth Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0612
Conservation Area Chatterton Riverbed Ayrdale ZLP/CB-0633
Conservation Area Lake Taylor ZLP/CB-0661 YES YES
Dog Stream Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0678
Conservation Area Cheddar Valley ZLP/CB-0683
Conservation Area Lewis Pass ZLP/CB-0701
Conservation Area Waipara Gorge ZLP/CB-0710
Conservation Area Waiau Riverbed Spotswood ZLP/CB-0737 YES YES
Conservation Area Lottery Riverbed Mason River Confluence ZLP/CB-0746
Leithfield Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0748 YES YES
Balmoral Picnic Area Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0756 YES YES
Motunau Beach Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0759 YES YES
Recreation Reserve Amberley Beach ZLP/CB-0784 YES YES
Waiau Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0788 YES YES
Amberley Domain Reserve ZLP/CB-0810 YES YES
Conservation Area Wandle Bush ZLP/CB-0823
Amberley Beach Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0824 YES YES
Conservation Area Pacific Ocean Foreshore Gum Tree Gully ZLP/CB-0825
Conservation Area - Conway River mouth ZLP/CB-0895 YES YES
Conical Hill Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0912
Hanmer Springs Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0915 YES YES
Loch Katrine Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0916
Raupo Pond Conservation Area ZLP/CB-0917 YES YES
Waipara Riverbed Recreation Reserve ZLP/CB-0931 YES YES
Culverden Scientific Reserve ZLP/CB-0941
Conservation Area Pacific Ocean Foreshore below Ella ZLP/CB-4634
Total Parks: 76 30 30
Lake Sumner Forest Park NZ-0061 YES YES
Lake Sumner (Hoka Kura) Regional Park NZ-0150 YES YES
St James Conservation Area NZ-0205 YES YES
The Hossack Conservation Area NZ-0221
Upper Hope Ecological Area NZ-0227
Mt. Grey / Maukatere Conservation Area NZ-0267 YES YES
Hanmer Forest Park NZ-0269 YES YES
The Poplars Conservation Area NZ-0327 YES YES
Lochiel Conservation Area NZ-0328
Nina Doubtful Rivers Conservation Area NZ-0333 YES YES
Woodbank Conservation Area NZ-0338
Jollies Pass Scenic Reserve NZ-0339 YES YES
The Den Conservation Area NZ-0341
Lower Doubtful / Boyle River Conservation Area NZ-0345
Inline Downs Conservation Area NZ-0347
Snowden Scenic Reserve NZ-0351 YES YES
Seaward Forest Conservation Area NZ-0357
Head of Lake Sumner Conservation Area NZ-0681
Total POTA Parks: 18 9 9
SOTA Summit
Mount Una ZL3/CB-101
Mount Princess ZL3/CB-182
ZL3/CB-187 ZL3/CB-187
Crimea Range (Mid) ZL3/CB-243
ZL3/CB-254 ZL3/CB-254
Mount Clara ZL3/CB-257
ZL3/CB-260 ZL3/CB-260
Philosophers Knob ZL3/CB-270
Mount Longfellow ZL3/CB-280
Miromiro ZL3/CB-289
ZL3/CB-291 ZL3/CB-291
Mount Technical ZL3/CB-292
Mount Jervois ZL3/CB-294
Studleigh Range (Mid) ZL3/CB-297
Mount Kruse ZL3/CB-303 YES YES
Mons Sex Millia ZL3/CB-310
Mount Northumberland ZL3/CB-311
Opera Range ZL3/CB-316
Paget Ridge ZL3/CB-320 YES YES
ZL3/CB-321 ZL3/CB-321
Studleigh Range (West) ZL3/CB-322
Mount Seymour ZL3/CB-323 YES YES
Mount Willmer ZL3/CB-330
Studleigh Range (East) ZL3/CB-331
ZL3/CB-333 ZL3/CB-333
Mount Sadd ZL3/CB-334
Mount Captain ZL3/CB-341
Mount Lakeman ZL3/CB-342
Mount Saint Patrick ZL3/CB-345 YES YES
Mount Douglas ZL3/CB-355
Mount Carrington ZL3/CB-358
The Devils Rampart ZL3/CB-360
Terrible Knob ZL3/CB-363
Mount Tuke ZL3/CB-364
Norma ZL3/CB-365
ZL3/CB-366 ZL3/CB-366
ZL3/CB-368 ZL3/CB-368
ZL3/CB-371 ZL3/CB-371
Mount Saint Andrew ZL3/CB-376
ZL3/CB-377 ZL3/CB-377
Mount Skedaddle ZL3/CB-378
ZL3/CB-381 ZL3/CB-381
Mount Southey ZL3/CB-383 YES YES
ZL3/CB-386 ZL3/CB-386
ZL3/CB-390 ZL3/CB-390 YES YES
Mount Skiddaw ZL3/CB-396
Yanks Hill ZL3/CB-400
Mount Maria ZL3/CB-401
The Nelson Tops ZL3/CB-406
Plinlimmon ZL3/CB-408
ZL3/CB-409 ZL3/CB-409
ZL3/CB-410 ZL3/CB-410
Scaw Fell ZL3/CB-412
Mount Schiehallion ZL3/CB-413
Mount Percival ZL3/CB-415 YES YES
Maukuratawhai ZL3/CB-420 YES YES
Mount Tekoa ZL3/CB-421
ZL3/CB-423 ZL3/CB-423
ZL3/CB-424 ZL3/CB-424
ZL3/CB-427 ZL3/CB-427
Hanmer Range ZL3/CB-431
Hooligan ZL3/CB-433
ZL3/CB-438 ZL3/CB-438 YES YES
Mount Horrible ZL3/CB-439
ZL3/CB-441 ZL3/CB-441
Shale Peak ZL3/CB-448
Jollie Brook ZL3/CB-449
Organ Range (South) ZL3/CB-454
ZL3/CB-455 ZL3/CB-455
ZL3/CB-458 ZL3/CB-458
Windy Knob ZL3/CB-459
ZL3/CB-464 ZL3/CB-464
ZL3/CB-465 ZL3/CB-465
ZL3/CB-467 ZL3/CB-467
Te Kooti ZL3/CB-468
Eulalie Mound ZL3/CB-472 YES YES
Mount Clear ZL3/CB-473
Macs Knob ZL3/CB-476
Lake Hill ZL3/CB-477
Organ Range (North) ZL3/CB-478
ZL3/CB-479 ZL3/CB-479
The Brothers ZL3/CB-484
Niggerhead ZL3/CB-486
Billhook Peak ZL3/CB-487
Oronoko Range ZL3/CB-489
ZL3/CB-491 ZL3/CB-491 YES YES
ZL3/CB-501 ZL3/CB-501
Big Big D ZL3/CB-502
Woolshed Ridge ZL3/CB-503
ZL3/CB-507 ZL3/CB-507
ZL3/CB-508 ZL3/CB-508
ZL3/CB-509 ZL3/CB-509
Horseshoe Hill ZL3/CB-511
ZL3/CB-516 ZL3/CB-516
Dog Hill ZL3/CB-517
Mount Isobel ZL3/CB-519 YES YES
ZL3/CB-526 ZL3/CB-526
Dumblane ZL3/CB-527 YES YES
Amuri Range ZL3/CB-528
ZL3/CB-533 ZL3/CB-533
Grey Hill ZL3/CB-543
ZL3/CB-548 ZL3/CB-548
Peters Hill ZL3/CB-564 YES YES
ZL3/CB-573 ZL3/CB-573 YES YES
Mount Meehan ZL3/CB-575
Mount Gooch ZL3/CB-576
The Brothers ZL3/CB-583 YES YES
ZL3/CB-585 ZL3/CB-585
ZL3/CB-589 ZL3/CB-589
Conway Spur ZL3/CB-593
Island Hills ZL3/CB-601
Mount Jonathan ZL3/CB-611
The Sisters ZL3/CB-615 YES YES
Birch Topping ZL3/CB-623
ZL3/CB-629 ZL3/CB-629
Mount Saul ZL3/CB-634
ZL3/CB-637 ZL3/CB-637
Mount Peter ZL3/CB-644
The Big Island Hills ZL3/CB-647
Dog Hill ZL3/CB-648
Mount Karetu ZL3/CB-650 YES YES
ZL3/CB-656 ZL3/CB-656
Mount Leslie ZL3/CB-662
Hurunui Peak ZL3/CB-670
Mount Grey/Maukatere ZL3/CB-673 YES YES
Wallace Peak ZL3/CB-676 YES YES
Mount Paul ZL3/CB-681
ZL3/CB-683 ZL3/CB-683
Mount Roderick ZL3/CB-685
ZL3/CB-692 ZL3/CB-692
Little Sisters ZL3/CB-698 YES YES
Mount Selfe (NW Spur) ZL3/CB-703
Devils Hill ZL3/CB-707
Mount Kakapo ZL3/CB-708
Mizzen Peak ZL3/CB-709
Mount Cookson ZL3/CB-710
ZL3/CB-711 ZL3/CB-711
ZL3/CB-712 ZL3/CB-712
ZL3/CB-717 ZL3/CB-717
Blue Mountain ZL3/CB-718 YES YES
Conical Hill ZL3/CB-719 YES YES
Mount Mason ZL3/CB-720
ZL3/CB-721 ZL3/CB-721 YES YES
ZL3/CB-722 ZL3/CB-722
ZL3/CB-727 ZL3/CB-727
Mount Catherine ZL3/CB-736
Peaked Hill ZL3/CB-739
Doctors Hills ZL3/CB-742
Black Hills ZL3/CB-743
Dampier Knob ZL3/CB-745
ZL3/CB-747 ZL3/CB-747
Cavendish Hills ZL3/CB-750
Mount Lance ZL3/CB-751
ZL3/CB-754 ZL3/CB-754
Mount Alexander ZL3/CB-758 YES YES
ZL3/CB-762 ZL3/CB-762 YES
Mount Arden ZL3/CB-766 YES
ZL3/CB-773 ZL3/CB-773
Lowry Peaks Range ZL3/CB-774
Mount Parnassus ZL3/CB-776
Dog Hill ZL3/CB-777
Constitution Hill ZL3/CB-778
Mount Admiral ZL3/CB-785 YES YES
Mount Wilson ZL3/CB-787
ZL3/CB-788 ZL3/CB-788
ZL3/CB-790 ZL3/CB-790
ZL3/CB-792 ZL3/CB-792
ZL3/CB-793 ZL3/CB-793
Mount Hilton ZL3/CB-796
Dead Mans Hill ZL3/CB-799
ZL3/CB-800 ZL3/CB-800
ZL3/CB-802 ZL3/CB-802
Old Man Hills ZL3/CB-803
North Dean ZL3/CB-807
The Humps ZL3/CB-808
Centre Hill ZL3/CB-810
Mount Culverden ZL3/CB-811
Totara ZL3/CB-812 YES YES
ZL3/CB-813 ZL3/CB-813
Flax Hill ZL3/CB-814
ZL3/CB-816 ZL3/CB-816
Pendle Hill ZL3/CB-818
ZL3/CB-819 ZL3/CB-819
ZL3/CB-820 ZL3/CB-820
The Wart ZL3/CB-821
Mount Donald ZL3/CB-824
Mount Brown ZL3/CB-825
ZL3/CB-826 ZL3/CB-826
Mount Jon ZL3/CB-827
ZL3/CB-828 ZL3/CB-828
Mount Highfield ZL3/CB-829
ZL3/CB-831 ZL3/CB-831
Limestone Hill ZL3/CB-832
Vulcan ZL3/CB-834
Mount Guardian ZL3/CB-836
Isolated Hill ZL3/CB-838
ZL3/CB-841 ZL3/CB-841
ZL3/CB-845 ZL3/CB-845
Mount Seddon ZL3/CB-848
ZL3/CB-851 ZL3/CB-851
Mephistopheles ZL3/CB-852
ZL3/CB-854 ZL3/CB-854
ZL3/CB-855 ZL3/CB-855
Mt Esther ZL3/CB-856
ZL3/CB-884 ZL3/CB-884
Maori Chief Peak ZL3/CB-888
ZL3/CB-890 ZL3/CB-890
Gloriana Peak ZL3/TM-008
Mount Humboldt ZL3/TM-010
ZL3/TM-015 ZL3/TM-015
ZL3/TM-029 ZL3/TM-029
ZL3/WC-247 ZL3/WC-247
Opera Range (High Point) ZL3/WC-257
ZL3/WC-276 ZL3/WC-276
Zampa ZL3/WC-287
The Grand Duchess ZL3/WC-292
Total SOTA Summits: 216 29 27
Lake Sumner Forest Park ZLFF-0025 YES YES
Mount Grey / Maukatere Conservation Area ZLFF-0039 YES YES
Hanmer Forest Park ZLFF-0044 YES YES
Lake Sumner-Hoka Kura Recreational Hunting Area ZLFF-0142 YES YES
St James Conservation Area ZLFF-0200 YES YES
The Hossack Conservation Area ZLFF-0210
Upper Hope Ecological Area ZLFF-0217
Total WWFF Parks: 7 5 5