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Stats for callsign
Place Code Activated Chased
Ngapukehaua ZL1/HNL-001
ZL1/HNL-002 ZL1/HNL-002
Kowekaweka (high point) ZL1/HNL-003
ZL1/HNL-004 ZL1/HNL-004
Weka ZL1/HNL-005
ZL1/HNL-006 ZL1/HNL-006
ZL1/HNL-007 ZL1/HNL-007
Tauwhare ZL1/HNL-008
Kotipu (high point) ZL1/HNL-009
Motatau ZL1/HNL-010
Orowhano (high point) ZL1/HNL-011
ZL1/HNL-012 ZL1/HNL-012
ZL1/HNL-013 ZL1/HNL-013
Opango ZL1/HNL-014
ZL1/HNL-015 ZL1/HNL-015
ZL1/HNL-016 ZL1/HNL-016
Tautoro ZL1/HNL-017
Mangatipa ZL1/HNL-018
Kauaepepe ZL1/HNL-019
ZL1/HNL-020 ZL1/HNL-020
Pukepoto ZL1/HNL-021
Tarakiekie ZL1/HNL-022
Maungaru ZL1/HNL-023
Terauoteaute ZL1/HNL-024
Puketutu ZL1/HNL-025
ZL1/HNL-026 ZL1/HNL-026
ZL1/HNL-027 ZL1/HNL-027
Te Rangi ZL1/HNL-028
Okahautaumanga ZL1/HNL-029
Pukemoremore ZL1/HNL-030
Paremata Hill ZL1/HNL-031
Tiwakawaka ZL1/HNL-032
Hatinga ZL1/HNL-033
ZL1/HNL-034 ZL1/HNL-034
ZL1/HNL-035 ZL1/HNL-035
Tarahi ZL1/HNL-036
Putahi ZL1/HNL-037
Te Ahuahu ZL1/HNL-038 YES YES
Pukenui Forest (high point) ZL1/HNL-039
ZL1/HNL-040 ZL1/HNL-040
ZL1/HNL-041 ZL1/HNL-041
ZL1/HNL-042 ZL1/HNL-042
ZL1/HNL-043 ZL1/HNL-043
ZL1/HNL-044 ZL1/HNL-044
ZL1/HNL-045 ZL1/HNL-045
Te Arai ZL1/HNL-046
Hurupaki ZL1/HNL-047
ZL1/HNL-048 ZL1/HNL-048
ZL1/HNL-049 ZL1/HNL-049
Hay Road (high point) ZL1/HNL-050
Whakarara ZL1/HNL-051
Patukohatu ZL1/HNL-052
Trig A9NH ZL1/HNL-053
ZL1/HNL-054 ZL1/HNL-054
ZL1/HNL-055 ZL1/HNL-055
ZL1/HNL-056 ZL1/HNL-056
ZL1/HNL-057 ZL1/HNL-057
Te Ranga ZL1/HNL-058
Otamaua ZL1/HNL-059
ZL1/HNL-060 ZL1/HNL-060
ZL1/HNL-061 ZL1/HNL-061
Trig B1YH ZL1/HNL-062
ZL1/HNL-063 ZL1/HNL-063
Kohumaru ZL1/HNL-064
Orotere ZL1/HNL-065
ZL1/HNL-066 ZL1/HNL-066
ZL1/HNL-067 ZL1/HNL-067
ZL1/HNL-068 ZL1/HNL-068
Puhangatohoraka ZL1/HNL-069
ZL1/HNL-070 ZL1/HNL-070
Whanui ZL1/HNL-071
ZL1/HNL-072 ZL1/HNL-072
ZL1/HNL-073 ZL1/HNL-073
ZL1/HNL-074 ZL1/HNL-074
ZL1/HNL-075 ZL1/HNL-075
ZL1/HNL-076 ZL1/HNL-076
ZL1/HNL-077 ZL1/HNL-077
ZL1/HNL-078 ZL1/HNL-078
Honeymoon Valley (high point) ZL1/HNL-079
Pouerua ZL1/HNL-080
ZL1/HNL-081 ZL1/HNL-081
ZL1/HNL-082 ZL1/HNL-082
ZL1/HNL-083 ZL1/HNL-083
ZL1/HNL-084 ZL1/HNL-084
ZL1/HNL-085 ZL1/HNL-085
ZL1/HNL-086 ZL1/HNL-086
ZL1/HNL-087 ZL1/HNL-087
Trig B1F0 ZL1/HNL-088
ZL1/HNL-089 ZL1/HNL-089
ZL1/HNL-090 ZL1/HNL-090
Karangi ZL1/HNL-091
ZL1/HNL-092 ZL1/HNL-092
ZL1/HNL-093 ZL1/HNL-093
Ngatuturu ZL1/HNL-094
ZL1/HNL-095 ZL1/HNL-095
ZL1/HNL-096 ZL1/HNL-096
Pareokawa (high point) ZL1/HNL-097
ZL1/HNL-098 ZL1/HNL-098
ZL1/HNL-099 ZL1/HNL-099
Trig A423 ZL1/HNL-100
ZL1/HNL-101 ZL1/HNL-101
Rakautapu ZL1/HNL-102
ZL1/HNL-103 ZL1/HNL-103
Onekainga ZL1/HNL-104
Turangahou (high point) ZL1/HNL-105
ZL1/HNL-106 ZL1/HNL-106
Ohautahi ZL1/HNL-107
Trig A5F2 ZL1/HNL-108
Moehau Rock ZL1/HNL-109
ZL1/HNL-110 ZL1/HNL-110
Pauanui ZL1/HNL-111
Ninihi ZL1/HNL-112
ZL1/HNL-113 ZL1/HNL-113
Mt Aubrey (high point) ZL1/HNL-114
Wharuarua ZL1/HNL-115
ZL1/HNL-116 ZL1/HNL-116
ZL1/HNL-117 ZL1/HNL-117
ZL1/HNL-118 ZL1/HNL-118
ZL1/HNL-119 ZL1/HNL-119
Papakuri ZL1/HNL-120
Hautakima ZL1/HNL-121
Whangatauatia Pa ZL1/HNL-122
Cape Brett ZL1/HNL-123
Rangitane Pa ZL1/HNL-124
Oturia ZL1/HNL-125
ZL1/HNL-126 ZL1/HNL-126
Maungapohatu ZL1/HNL-127
ZL1/HNL-128 ZL1/HNL-128
Pukekohe ZL1/HNL-129
Cable Bay Block (high point) ZL1/HNL-130
Unuwhao ZL1/HNL-131
ZL1/HNL-132 ZL1/HNL-132
ZL1/HNL-133 ZL1/HNL-133
ZL1/HNL-134 ZL1/HNL-134
ZL1/HNL-135 ZL1/HNL-135
Hikurangi ZL1/HNL-136
Tokatoka ZL1/HNL-137
ZL1/HNL-138 ZL1/HNL-138
ZL1/HNL-139 ZL1/HNL-139
Parahi ZL1/HNL-140
Trig A970 ZL1/HNL-141
Herangi Hill ZL1/HNL-142
Aupouri Forest (high point) ZL1/HNL-143
Whangamumu Peninsula ZL1/HNL-144
ZL1/HNL-145 ZL1/HNL-145
Opara (high point) ZL1/HNL-146
ZL1/HNL-147 ZL1/HNL-147
ZL1/HNL-148 ZL1/HNL-148
Pararaunui Hill ZL1/HNL-149
Sail Rock ZL1/HNL-150
Oruwhanga Island ZL1/HNL-151
Puwheke ZL1/HNL-152
Ririwha ZL1/HNL-153
West Chicken (Mauitaha) Island ZL1/HNL-154
Ohauroro (Peach) Island ZL1/HNL-155
Te Whangai Head ZL1/HNL-156
Motukawaiti (Step) Island ZL1/HNL-157
Urupukapuka Island ZL1/HNL-158
Nukutaunga Island ZL1/HNL-159
Aorangaia Island ZL1/HNL-160
Motuopau Island ZL1/HNL-161
Wekarua Island (Sugar Loaf) ZL1/HNL-162
Total HEMA Humps: 162 1 1
Cape Brett Hut ZLH/NL-001
Frampton's Hut ZLH/NL-002
Lane Cove Hut ZLH/NL-003
Motukawanui Hut ZLH/NL-004
Peach Cove Hut ZLH/NL-005
Tangihua Hut ZLH/NL-006
Total Huts: 6 0 0
Ahoroa Rock ZLI/NL-001
Aorangaia Island ZLI/NL-002
Aorangi Island ZLI/NL-003
Araara Island ZLI/NL-004
Arakaninihi Island ZLI/NL-005
Archway Island ZLI/NL-006
Aroha Island ZLI/NL-007
Arrow Rocks ZLI/NL-008
Awarua Rock ZLI/NL-009
Battleship Rock ZLI/NL-011
Bird Rock ZLI/NL-012
Bird Rock ZLI/NL-013
Black Rocks ZLI/NL-014
Black Rocks ZLI/NL-015
Bland Rocks ZLI/NL-016
Bream Islands ZLI/NL-017
Calliope Island ZLI/NL-018
Cavalli Islands ZLI/NL-019
Cone Island ZLI/NL-020
Cone Rock ZLI/NL-021
Cone Rock (Horoiwi) ZLI/NL-022
Coppermine Island ZLI/NL-023
Danger Rock ZLI/NL-024
Dead Whale Reef ZLI/NL-025
Dog Island (Motuwhangaikirehe Island) ZLI/NL-026
Dome Rock ZLI/NL-027
Flat Island (Motueka Island) ZLI/NL-028
Flat Rock ZLI/NL-029
Four Islets ZLI/NL-031
Fraser Rock ZLI/NL-032 YES YES
Frenchman Island ZLI/NL-033
Frenchman Rock ZLI/NL-034
Glucina Rock ZLI/NL-035
Goat Island ZLI/NL-036
Guano Island ZLI/NL-038
Hamaruru Island ZLI/NL-039
Harakeke Island ZLI/NL-040
Haraweka Island ZLI/NL-041
Hat Island ZLI/NL-042
Hen and Chickens Islands ZLI/NL-043
High Island ZLI/NL-044
High Peak Rocks ZLI/NL-045
Horonui Island ZLI/NL-046
Hororoa Island ZLI/NL-047
Hororoa Rock ZLI/NL-048
Howe Rock ZLI/NL-049
Ipurau Island ZLI/NL-050
Kahangaro Island ZLI/NL-051
Kaiaraara Island ZLI/NL-052 YES YES
Kaipohue Island ZLI/NL-053
Kaitirehe Rock ZLI/NL-054
Kaiwha Rock ZLI/NL-055
Kaiwhitu Island ZLI/NL-056
Kaka Rock ZLI/NL-057
Karaka Island ZLI/NL-058
Kawa Rock ZLI/NL-059
Keokeo Island ZLI/NL-060
Komakoraia Island ZLI/NL-061
Komiru Island ZLI/NL-062
Kuiamokimoki Island ZLI/NL-063
Kuihi Island ZLI/NL-064
Kukutauwhao Island ZLI/NL-065 YES YES
Lady Alice Island ZLI/NL-066
Limestone Island ZLI/NL-067 YES YES
Lion Rock ZLI/NL-068
Mahena Island ZLI/NL-069
Mahenotapuku ZLI/NL-070
Mahenotiti Island ZLI/NL-071 YES YES
Mangrove Island ZLI/NL-073
Marotere Islands ZLI/NL-074
Marriott Island ZLI/NL-076
Matanehunehu Island ZLI/NL-077
Matapia ZLI/NL-078
Mauitaha Island ZLI/NL-079
Mauitaha Island ZLI/NL-080
Milford Island / Wairaupo ZLI/NL-081
Milford Island (Wairaupo Island) ZLI/NL-082
Moanarua Island ZLI/NL-083
Motiti Island ZLI/NL-084
Motuarahi Island ZLI/NL-085 YES YES
Motuekaiti Island ZLI/NL-087
Motuharakeke Island ZLI/NL-088
Motuhi Island ZLI/NL-089
Motuhuia ZLI/NL-090
Motuiwi Island ZLI/NL-091
Motukahakaha Island ZLI/NL-092
Motu Kapiti Island ZLI/NL-093
Motukaraka Island ZLI/NL-094
Motukaraka Island ZLI/NL-095
Motukaroro ZLI/NL-096
Motukaroro Island ZLI/NL-097
Motukauri Island ZLI/NL-098
Motukauri Island ZLI/NL-099
Motu Kauri Island ZLI/NL-100 YES YES
Motukawaiti Island (Step Island) ZLI/NL-101
Motukawanui Island ZLI/NL-102
Motukehua Island (Nops Island) ZLI/NL-103
Motukiekie Island ZLI/NL-106
Motukiore Island ZLI/NL-107
Motukiore Island ZLI/NL-108
Motukiore Island ZLI/NL-109
Motukokako Island (Piercy Island) ZLI/NL-110
Motukorari Island ZLI/NL-111
Motukowhai Island ZLI/NL-113
Motukowhai Island ZLI/NL-114
Motumahanga Island ZLI/NL-115
Motumaire Island ZLI/NL-116 YES YES
Motumareti Island ZLI/NL-117
Motumuka Island ZLI/NL-118
Motungangara Island ZLI/NL-119
Motungarara Island ZLI/NL-120
Motuoi Island ZLI/NL-121
Motuone Island ZLI/NL-122
Motuopao Island ZLI/NL-123
Motu Otamakupa Island ZLI/NL-124
Motuotuna Island ZLI/NL-125
Motuouhi Island ZLI/NL-126
Motupapa Island (Cocked Hat Island) ZLI/NL-127 YES YES
Motupareira Islet ZLI/NL-128
Motu Puruhi Island ZLI/NL-130
Moturahurahu Island ZLI/NL-131 YES YES
Moturahurahu Island ZLI/NL-132
Moturaka Island ZLI/NL-133
Moturewa Island ZLI/NL-134
Moturoa Island ZLI/NL-135
Moturoa Island ZLI/NL-136
Moturoa Island ZLI/NL-137
Moturoa Island ZLI/NL-138
Moturua Island ZLI/NL-140
Motutakupu Island ZLI/NL-142
Motutaniwha Island ZLI/NL-143
Motutapere Island ZLI/NL-144
Motutapu Island ZLI/NL-145
Motutapu Island ZLI/NL-146
Motutara Island ZLI/NL-147
Motutara Island ZLI/NL-148
Motutara Island ZLI/NL-149
Motutara Island (Henry Island) ZLI/NL-150
Motutara Rocks ZLI/NL-151
Motuterahiki Island ZLI/NL-152
Motutere Island ZLI/NL-153
Motuti Island ZLI/NL-154
Motutohe Island ZLI/NL-155
Motutokape Island ZLI/NL-156
Motutui Island ZLI/NL-157
Motu Wai Island (Red Island) ZLI/NL-158 YES YES
Motuwhakaururakau Island ZLI/NL-159
Motuwhariki Island ZLI/NL-160
Motuwheteke Island ZLI/NL-161
Murimotu Island ZLI/NL-162
Muriwhenua Island ZLI/NL-163
Net Rock ZLI/NL-164
Ngamotu Island ZLI/NL-165
Ngataurua Rock ZLI/NL-166
Ngatokaparangi Islands ZLI/NL-167
Ngoio Rock ZLI/NL-168
Nukutaunga Island ZLI/NL-169
Ohaureko Island ZLI/NL-170
Ohauroro Island ZLI/NL-171
Okahu Island ZLI/NL-172
Okaoko Rock ZLI/NL-173
Okatakata Islands ZLI/NL-174
Okupe Island ZLI/NL-175
Omahu Islets ZLI/NL-176
Omaia Island ZLI/NL-177
Oruatemanu Island ZLI/NL-179
Otarawa island ZLI/NL-180
Otawhanga Island ZLI/NL-182
Otuwhanga Island ZLI/NL-183
Paekawa Island ZLI/NL-184
Paewhenua Island ZLI/NL-185 YES YES
Pakatahi Island ZLI/NL-187
Panaki Island ZLI/NL-188
Pananehe Island ZLI/NL-190
Parerangi Island ZLI/NL-191
Pataua Island ZLI/NL-192 YES YES
Philip Island ZLI/NL-193
Pillar Rock ZLI/NL-195
Piraunui Island ZLI/NL-196
Pirikawau Island ZLI/NL-197
Poor Knights Islands ZLI/NL-198
Poroporo Island ZLI/NL-199 YES YES
Puketu Island ZLI/NL-200
Pupuha Island ZLI/NL-201
Pupuia Island ZLI/NL-202
Putahataha Island ZLI/NL-203
Rabbit Island ZLI/NL-204 YES YES
Rahomaunu Island ZLI/NL-205
Rahui Islands ZLI/NL-206 YES YES
Rahui Rock ZLI/NL-207
Rangiatea Island ZLI/NL-208
Rat Island ZLI/NL-209 YES YES
Rat Island ZLI/NL-210
Reparapahoe Island ZLI/NL-211
Rimariki Island ZLI/NL-212
Roberton Island / Motuarohia Island ZLI/NL-213
Rocky Island ZLI/NL-215
Round Island ZLI/NL-216 YES YES
Ruapapaka Island ZLI/NL-217
Sail Rock ZLI/NL-218
Scheigis Rock ZLI/NL-219
Seal Rock ZLI/NL-220
Shark Island ZLI/NL-221
Simmonds Islands ZLI/NL-222
Stephenson Island / Mahinepua Island ZLI/NL-223
Sugarloaf Island ZLI/NL-224
Sugarloaf Rock ZLI/NL-225
Tāhuahua-Paopao-Karoro Island ZLI/NL-226
Takaroto Rock ZLI/NL-227
Tarakanahi Island ZLI/NL-228
Taranaki Island ZLI/NL-229
Taranga Island ZLI/NL-230
Tarawera Island ZLI/NL-231
Taupiri Island ZLI/NL-232
Tawhiti Rahi Island ZLI/NL-233
Tawiriwiri Island ZLI/NL-234 YES YES
Taylor Island ZLI/NL-235 YES YES
Te Anaputa Island ZLI/NL-236
Te Anaputaiti Island ZLI/NL-237
Te Ao Island ZLI/NL-238 YES YES
Te Haumi Rock ZLI/NL-239
Te Karo Island ZLI/NL-240
Te Kopua Island ZLI/NL-241
Tekura Rocks ZLI/NL-242
Te Miko Reef ZLI/NL-243
Te Motu Island ZLI/NL-244
Te Pahi Islands ZLI/NL-245
Terakautuhaka Island ZLI/NL-246
Te Ruatahi Islet ZLI/NL-247
Te Toi Island ZLI/NL-248
Te Waha Island ZLI/NL-249
Tiheru Island ZLI/NL-251
Tiheru Island (The Dog) ZLI/NL-252
Tikorangi Island ZLI/NL-253 YES YES
Titi Island ZLI/NL-254
Titipu Island ZLI/NL-255
Tokoroa Island ZLI/NL-256
Toretore Island ZLI/NL-257 YES YES
Tuputupungahau Island ZLI/NL-258
Tuturuowae ZLI/NL-259
Uruapukapuka Island ZLI/NL-261
Urupukapuka Island ZLI/NL-262 YES YES
Waewaetorea Island ZLI/NL-263
Wainui Island ZLI/NL-267 YES YES
Waitapu Rock ZLI/NL-269
Waiwiri Island ZLI/NL-270
Waiwiri Rock ZLI/NL-271
Wakatehāua Island ZLI/NL-272
Wareware Island ZLI/NL-274
Wekarua Island (Sugar Loaf) ZLI/NL-275
Whatupuke Island ZLI/NL-278
Whatupuke Island ZLI/NL-279
Whatupukeiti Island ZLI/NL-280
Whitikau Rocks ZLI/NL-281
Wide Berth Islands ZLI/NL-282
Total Islands: 255 25 25
Bulrush Lake ZLL/0056
Half Mile Lagoon ZLL/0129
Lake Half ZLL/0320
Lake Humuhumu ZLL/0357
Lake Kahuparere ZLL/0380
Lake Kaiiwi ZLL/0381 YES YES
Lake Kaiwai ZLL/0387
Lake Kanono ZLL/0390
Lake Kapoai ZLL/0391
Lake Karaka ZLL/0392
Lake Karoro/Mathews ZLL/0398
Lake Kihona ZLL/0404
Lake Manuwai ZLL/0458 YES YES
Lake Mōkeno ZLL/0504
Lake Morehurehu ZLL/0505
Lake Ngakapua ZLL/0520
Lake Ngakeketa ZLL/0522
Lake Ngatu ZLL/0528 YES YES
Lake Ōmāpere ZLL/0548
Lake Ora ZLL/0556 YES YES
Lake Otapuiti ZLL/0563
Lake Ōwhareiti ZLL/0567
Lake Parawanui ZLL/0574
Lake Puhau ZLL/0602
Lake Rotokawau ZLL/0647
Lake Rotokawau ZLL/0648
Lake Rotokawau ZLL/0650
Lake Rotokereru ZLL/0652
Lake Rotomata ZLL/0662
Lake Rotootuauru ZLL/0671
Lake Rotopouua ZLL/0677
Lake Rotoroa ZLL/0680
Lake Rototuna ZLL/0692
Lake Rototuna Lower ZLL/0693
Lake Taeore ZLL/0728
Lake Taharoa ZLL/0730 YES YES
Lake Tairutu ZLL/0734
Lake Tangonge ZLL/0737
Lake Tauanui ZLL/0740
Lake Te Kahika ZLL/0747
Lake Waikanae ZLL/0799
Lake Waikaramu ZLL/0800
Lake Waikere ZLL/0808 YES YES
Lake Waimimiha ZLL/0811 YES YES
Lake Waingaro ZLL/0813
Lake Waingata ZLL/0814
Lake Wainui ZLL/0815
Lake Waiparera ZLL/0818
Lake Waiporohita ZLL/0820 YES YES
Lake Wairere ZLL/0823
Lake Whakaneke ZLL/0836
Lake Whirirau ZLL/0844
Phoebes Lake ZLL/0962
Rotopouri ZLL/1004
Salt Lake ZLL/1014
Shag Lake ZLL/1021
Split Lake ZLL/1043
Swan Lake ZLL/1055
Swan Lake ZLL/1056
The Big Lake ZLL/1079
Tuatara Pool ZLL/1101
Wahakari Lake ZLL/1119
Waihopo Lake ZLL/1121
Waitahora Lagoon ZLL/1128
Total Lakes: 64 8 8
Light house
Bream Head ZLB/006 YES YES
Cape Brett ZLB/008 YES YES
Cape Karikari ZLB/014 YES YES
Cape Maria van Diemen ZLB/016 YES YES
Cape Reinga ZLB/018 YES YES
Kaipara Head ZLB/043 YES YES
Motuopao Island ZLB/054 YES YES
North Cape ZLB/056
Tauroa Point ZLB/088 YES YES
Tutukaka Head ZLB/095 YES YES
Total Light houses: 10 9 9
Te Paki Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0001 YES YES
Waipoua Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0002 YES YES
Puketi Forest (Pt.Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0003 YES YES
Russell Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0004 YES YES
Pouto Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0005 YES YES
Warawara Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0006 YES YES
Raetea Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0007 YES YES
Omahuta Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0008 YES YES
Mataraua Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0009 YES YES
Waima Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0010 YES YES
Herekino Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0011 YES YES
Marlborough Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0012 YES YES
Ahipara Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0013 YES YES
Pouto Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0014
Tangihua Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0015 YES YES
Mangamuka Gorge Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0016 YES YES
Onekura Ecological Area ZLP/NL-0017
Kaihu Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0018 YES YES
Kaihū Ecological Area ZLP/NL-0019 YES YES
Waipoua Sanctuary Area ZLP/NL-0020
Mokaikai Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0021
Opua Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0022 YES YES
Manganuiowae Ecological Area ZLP/NL-0023 YES YES
Ranfurly Bay Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0024
Pouto North Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0025
Mareretu Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0026 YES YES
East Beach Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0027 YES YES
Maungataniwha Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0029 YES YES
Ngaiotonga Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0030
Kaiikanui Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0031 YES YES
Nga Kiekie Whawhanui a Uenuku Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0032
Puketi Forest (Addition No 2) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0033
Hen & Chicken Islands Nature Reserve ZLP/NL-0034
Te Hura Ecological Area ZLP/NL-0035
Waikino Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0036 YES YES
Omahuta Forest (Addition) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0037
Kaimaumau Scientific Reserve ZLP/NL-0038
Houto Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0039 YES YES
Rangaunu Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0040 YES YES
Mangakahia Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0041
Otangaroa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0042 YES YES
Mimiwhangata Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0043 YES YES
Pukewharariki Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0044
Hilel Korman Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0045
North Cape Scientific Reserve ZLP/NL-0046
Motatau Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0047
Pukenui Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0048 YES YES
Trounson Kauri Park Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0049
Paponga Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0050
Bream Head Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0051 YES YES
Warawara Forest Sanctuary Area ZLP/NL-0052
Waitangi Endowment Forest ZLP/NL-0053
Maitai Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0054 YES YES
Lake Ohia Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0055 YES YES
Paxton Point Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0056
Maungataniwha Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0057
Mangakahia Forest (Addition) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0058 YES YES
Kawerua Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0059
Omahuta Forest Scenic Reserve No 2 ZLP/NL-0060
Hukerenui Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park) ZLP/NL-0061 YES YES
Paeroa-Knuckle Point Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0062
Whangaruru North Head Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0063
Aratoro Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0064
Ruapekapeka Forest (Pt Northland Cons. Park) ZLP/NL-0065 YES YES
McKenzies of Limestone Hill Park Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0066
Tokerau Beach Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0067 YES YES
Paranui Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0068 YES YES
Motukawanui Island Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0069
Kaeo Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0070
Manaia Ridge Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0071 YES YES
Otaika Valley Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0072 YES YES
Manawahuna Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0073
Motukaraka Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0074
Scenic Reserve (Wairoa and Manganui Rivers - Dargaville) ZLP/NL-0075
Katui Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0076
Ruakaka Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0077
Te Koroa Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0078 YES YES
Ocean Beach Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0079 YES YES
Poor Knights Islands Nature Reserve ZLP/NL-0080
Wahaotetupua Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0081
Pukekohe Stream Ecological Area ZLP/NL-0083
Whangamumu Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0084
Waikaramu Lake Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0085
Maungatoa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0086
Mangawhai Heads Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0087 YES YES
Pukewharariki Forest Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0089
Uretiti Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0090 YES YES
Punahaere Creek Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0091
Kanono Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0092
Brynderwyn Hills Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0093
Maitahi Wetland Scientific Reserve ZLP/NL-0094
Te Ramanuka Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0095
Paikauri Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0096
Tauranga Valley Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0097
Whakarara Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0098
Ahipara Gumfields Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0099 YES YES
Tapuwae Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0103
Urupukapuka Island Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0104 YES YES
Pukemiro Block Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0105
Takou River Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0107
Russell Forest (Addition No2) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0108
Upokorau Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0109
Wekaweka Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0110
Ruakaka Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0111 YES YES
Moturoa and Black Rocks Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0112
Tangitiki Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0113
Karikari Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0114
Waimata Settlement Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0115
Maungatika Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0116
Whangae Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0117
Waima Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0119
Frampton Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0120
Riponui Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0121
Moturua Island Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0122
Waipu Gorge Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0123 YES YES
Tikinui Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0124
Utakura Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0125
Puwheke Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0126 YES YES
Pukekaroro Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0127
Taha Moana Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0129
Puketona Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0130
Kaihu Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0131
Soda Springs Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0132
North River Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0133
Waipu River Mouth Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0134 YES YES
Pakanae Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0135
Haumanga Valley Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0136
Papakuri Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0137
Hugh Crawford Memorial Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0138
Omahuta Forest Addition No1.Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0139
Pukekohe Hill Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0140
Te Toroa Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0141
Waiotama Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0142
Kahuparere Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0143
Oraora Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0144
Manginangina Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0145
Mamaranui Farm Settlement Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0146
Kauri Mountain Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0147
Marlborough Road Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0148
Tutukaka Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0149
Kukuparere Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0150
Mangakahia Forest (Addition No 2) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0151
Waipu Gorge Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0153 YES YES
Russell Forest (Addition No1) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0154
Poupouwhenua Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0155 YES YES
Ngunguru Sandspit Reserve ZLP/NL-0156
Pukeareinga Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0157 YES YES
Ahutoatoa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0158
Pareokawa Water Conservation Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0159
Waitangi Wetland Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0160
Whangaroa Forest Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0161
Uretiti Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0162 YES YES
Mangataipa Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0163
Taheke Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0164
Purua Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0165
Ruakākā Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0166 YES YES
Wairua Falls Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0167 YES YES
Motatau Scenic Reserve Addition ZLP/NL-0168
Puketi Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0169
Bream Tail Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0170
Sweetwater Dune Lakes Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0171
Aputerewa Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0172
Pohuenui Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0173
St. Pauls Rock Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0174
Lake Ngatu Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0175 YES YES
Waipu Caves Road Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0177 YES YES
Brynderwyn Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0178 YES YES
Mata Farm Settlement Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0180 YES YES
Kowhai Beach Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0181
Marua Valley Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0182
Wiroa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0183
Te - Uri - O - Hau Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0184
Muriwai Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0185
Whakaangi Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0186
Wainui Lake Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0187
Gorrie Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0188
Mangatete Farm Settlement Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0189
Waipu Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0192
Motuarohia Island Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0194
Whanui Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0195
Kaikohe Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0196
Curnow Road Gemstone Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0197
Marko Buselich Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0198
Waewaetorea Island Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0199
Rotokakahi River Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0200
Waimamaku Domain Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0201
Tipatipa Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0202
Mangatete Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0203
Waitawa Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0205
Ngawha Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0206
Smokey Hill Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0207
Marlborough Forest (Addition) Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0208
Akatere Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0209
Puhipuhi Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0210
Rotopouua Creek Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0211
Lake Waiparaheka Scientific Reserve ZLP/NL-0212
Parahi Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0213
Donnellys Crossing Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0215
Kawakawa Domain Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0216
Mahinepua Peninsula Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0218
Rangikapiti Pa Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0219
Pukewhau Ecological Area ZLP/NL-0221
Otito Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0223
Aponga Settlement Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0224
Kaihu North Railway Line Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0225
Arai-Te-Uru Recreation Reserve Addition ZLP/NL-0227
Waikiore Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0228
Omatai Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0229
Hukatere Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0235
Taemaro Bay Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0236
Paparahi Point Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0237
Horotutu Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0240
Motuopao Island Nature Reserve ZLP/NL-0242
Popo Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0243
Robert Hastie Memorial Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0244
Te-Rere-O-Te-Kerikeri Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0247
Waikiekie Domain Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0256
Mataraua Valley Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0257
Tangowahine Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0259
Bulrush Lake Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0260
Blakes Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0261
Bland Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0262
Maungatapere Hill Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0263
Rototuna Lake Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0265
Bream Head Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0267 YES YES
Taumarumaru Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0268
Okuratope Pa Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0269
Okohine Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0272
Okahu Island Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0273
Kerikeri River Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0276
Waipapakauri Beach Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0277
Waikare Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0278
Taronui Bay Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0280
Cape View Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0282
Waro Limestone Scenic Reserve (Part) ZLP/NL-0283 YES YES
Rangitane Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0284
Matapouri Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0285
Sweetwater Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0287
Recreation Reserve (bordering Whangārei Harbour) ZLP/NL-0290
Motutara Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0291
Herekino Forest Addition Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0292
Kerikeri Basin Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0293
Waipapakauri Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0300
Onoke Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0301 YES YES
Tapuhi Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0303
Hongi Hika Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0304
Motuarohia Island Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0305
Pataua Island Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0308
Waipu Caves Road Scenic Reserve Addition ZLP/NL-0310
Akeake Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0311 YES YES
Ngunguru River Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0312
Tokatoka Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0313
Ruakākā Domain Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0315 YES YES
Arai-Te-Uru Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0317
Rangiputa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0319
Langs Beach Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0320 YES YES
Mangonui Domain Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0323
Waiotehue Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0324
Ruawai Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0325
Rangiahua Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0327
Black Rocks Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0328
Topuni Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0329
Marsden Cross Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0330
Karakamatamata Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0332
Maungakawakawa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0333
Waipu Cove Domain Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0336 YES YES
Harrison Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0337
Te Karae Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0338
Ruapekapeka Historic Reserve ZLP/NL-0343
Waitata Point Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0345
Kokohuia Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0347
Te Opu Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0348
Whatitiri Mountain Scientific Reserve ZLP/NL-0349 YES YES
Lake Ngākeketo Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0352
Tutukaka Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0354 YES YES
Lake Waiporohita Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0356 YES YES
Ngawha Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0357
Tanekaha Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0359
Mitimiti Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0360
Montgomeries Memorial Bush Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0361
Waipoua River Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0364
Blacksmiths Bay Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0365
Whangārei Harbour Wildlife Refuge ZLP/NL-0956 YES YES
Poor Knights Islands Marine Reserve ZLP/NL-0957
Whangārei Harbour Marine Reserve ZLP/NL-0958 YES YES
Whakatu Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0959
Kahikatoa Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0960
Man O War Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0961
Rangiora Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0962
Taiharuru River Marginal Strip No 3 ZLP/NL-0963
Walker Island Nature Reserve ZLP/NL-0964
Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve - located north of Mangawhai Heads ZLP/NL-0965
Motukiore Island Recreation Reserve ZLP/NL-0966
Karuhiruhi Creek Marginal Strip No 2 ZLP/NL-0967
Karuhiruhi Creek Marginal Strip No 1 ZLP/NL-0968
Karuhiruhi Creek Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0969
Local Purpose (Maritime Uses) Reserve (bordering Whangārei Harbour) ZLP/NL-0970
Rabbit & Goat Island Scenic Reserve ZLP/NL-0971
Mahinepua Local Purpose (Esplanade) Reserve ZLP/NL-0973
Esplanade Reserve - Monkey Point ZLP/NL-0974
Motutokape Island Conservation Area ZLP/NL-0975
Total Parks: 301 71 71
Mataraua Forest Conservation Park NZ-0164 YES YES
Omahuta Forest (Pt Northland Conservation Park NZ-0177 YES YES
Pouto Wildlife Refuge NZ-0185 YES YES
Puketi Forest Conservation Park NZ-0187 YES YES
Raetea Forest Conservation Park NZ-0188 YES YES
Russell Forest Conservation Park NZ-0201 YES YES
Te Paki Recreation Park NZ-0216 YES YES
Waipoua Forest Conservation Park NZ-0233 YES YES
Warawara Forest Conservation Park NZ-0237 YES YES
Herekino Forest Conservation Park NZ-0246 YES YES
Houto Forest Conservation Park NZ-0247 YES
Hukerenui Forest Conservation Park NZ-0248 YES
Kaihu Forest Conservation Park NZ-0249 YES YES
Kaiikanui Forest Conservation Park NZ-0250 YES
Marlborough Forest Conservation Park NZ-0251 YES YES
Maungataniwha Forest Conservation Park NZ-0252 YES
Opua Forest Conservation Park NZ-0253 YES YES
Pukenui Forest Conservation Park NZ-0254 YES
Ruapekapeka Forest Conservation Park NZ-0255 YES YES
Tangihua Forest Conservation Park NZ-0256 YES
Waikino Forest Conservation Park NZ-0257 YES
Waima Forest Conservation Park NZ-0258 YES
Ahipara Conservation Area NZ-0415 YES YES
Pouto Conservation Area NZ-0416
Mangamuka Gorge Scenic Reserve NZ-0417 YES YES
Onekura Ecological Area NZ-0418
Waipoua Sanctuary NZ-0419 YES
Mokaikai Scenic Reserve NZ-0420
Manganuiowae Ecological Area NZ-0421 YES YES
Ranfurly Bay Scenic Reserve NZ-0422
Pouto North Conservation Area NZ-0423
East Beach Conservation Area NZ-0424 YES YES
Mareretu Forest Conservation Area NZ-0425 YES YES
Ngaiotonga Scenic Reserve NZ-0426
Nga Kiekie Whawhanui a Uenuku Scenic Reserve NZ-0427
Puketi Forest (Addition No 2) Conservation Area NZ-0428
Te Hura Ecological Area NZ-0644
Hen & Chicken Islands Nature Reserve NZ-0645
Omahuta Forest Conservation Area NZ-0646
Kaimaumau Scientific Reserve NZ-0647
Rangaunu Conservation Area NZ-0648 YES YES
Mangakahia Forest Conservation Area NZ-0649
Otangaroa Conservation Area NZ-0650 YES YES
Mimiwhangata Scenic Reserve NZ-0651
Pukewharariki Forest Conservation Area NZ-0652
Hilel Korman Scenic Reserve NZ-0653
North Cape Scenic Reserve NZ-0654
Motatau Scenic Reserve NZ-0655
Trounson Kauri Park Scenic Reserve NZ-0656
Paponga Conservation Area NZ-0657
Bream Head Scenic Reserve NZ-0658 YES YES
Warawara Forest Sanctuary NZ-0659
Waitangi Endowment Forest Reserve NZ-0660
Total POTA Parks: 53 31 22
SOTA Summit
Te Raupua ZL1/NL-001
Tutamoe ZL1/NL-002 YES YES
Raetea ZL1/NL-003 YES YES
Panguru ZL1/NL-004
Moumoukai ZL1/NL-005
ZL1/NL-006 ZL1/NL-006
Te Tarahiorahiri ZL1/NL-007
Hauturu ZL1/NL-008
Hikurangi ZL1/NL-009
Maungapohatu ZL1/NL-010
ZL1/NL-011 ZL1/NL-011
ZL1/NL-012 ZL1/NL-012
Maungataniwha ZL1/NL-013
Taumatamahoe ZL1/NL-015 YES YES
Horokaka ZL1/NL-016 YES YES
ZL1/NL-017 ZL1/NL-017
ZL1/NL-018 ZL1/NL-018
ZL1/NL-019 ZL1/NL-019
Bream Head ZL1/NL-020 YES YES
ZL1/NL-021 ZL1/NL-021
ZL1/NL-022 ZL1/NL-022
ZL1/NL-023 ZL1/NL-023 YES YES
Huruiki ZL1/NL-024
Maunganui ZL1/NL-025 YES YES
ZL1/NL-026 ZL1/NL-026 YES YES
Hangihangi ZL1/NL-027
ZL1/NL-028 ZL1/NL-028
Monoa ZL1/NL-029
ZL1/NL-030 ZL1/NL-030
Cattlemount ZL1/NL-031
ZL1/NL-032 ZL1/NL-032
Huarua ZL1/NL-033
Manaia ZL1/NL-034 YES YES
Te Kie ZL1/NL-035
ZL1/NL-036 ZL1/NL-036
Maunu ZL1/NL-038 YES YES
ZL1/NL-039 ZL1/NL-039 YES YES
Mount Lion ZL1/NL-040 YES YES
ZL1/NL-041 ZL1/NL-041
Parakiore ZL1/NL-042 YES YES
Tongariro ZL1/NL-043
Purua ZL1/NL-044
Maungaemiemie ZL1/NL-045
Maungatapere ZL1/NL-046
Houto ZL1/NL-047
Koheroa ZL1/NL-048 YES YES
Te Ranga ZL1/NL-049
Akatere ZL1/NL-050
ZL1/NL-051 ZL1/NL-051
Hikurangi ZL1/NL-052 YES YES
Rarewarewa Reserve ZL1/NL-053
ZL1/NL-054 ZL1/NL-054
Rakaumangamanga ZL1/NL-055
ZL1/NL-056 ZL1/NL-056 YES YES
Paikauri ZL1/NL-057
ZL1/NL-058 ZL1/NL-058 YES YES
Pukehuia ZL1/NL-059
Whakakoro ZL1/NL-060
Whakaangi ZL1/NL-061
Mount Tiger ZL1/NL-062 YES YES
Kopuokai ZL1/NL-063
Mirowhakatiki ZL1/NL-064
Te Paki ZL1/NL-065 YES YES
Unuwhao ZL1/NL-066
Ongaru ZL1/NL-067
Taratara ZL1/NL-068
Pukekaroro ZL1/NL-069
ZL1/NL-070 ZL1/NL-070
Pukewharariki ZL1/NL-071
ZL1/NL-072 ZL1/NL-072
ZL1/NL-074 ZL1/NL-074
Te Kaiatewhetu ZL1/NL-075
Mount Parihaka ZL1/NL-076 YES YES
Mataka ZL1/NL-077
Patakorokoro ZL1/NL-078
Kauri Mountain ZL1/NL-079 YES YES
ZL1/NL-080 ZL1/NL-080
Tukuehi ZL1/NL-081
Hiriki ZL1/NL-082
Mount Camel ZL1/NL-083
Whatupuke Island ZL1/NL-084
Surville Cliffs ZL1/NL-085
Maungaraho ZL1/NL-086 YES YES
Te Kahikatoa ZL1/NL-087
Oneho Hill ZL1/NL-088
ZL1/NL-089 ZL1/NL-089
Ohakiri ZL1/NL-090 YES YES
ZL1/NL-092 ZL1/NL-092
Puketuaho ZL1/NL-093
Toupiroroa Range ZL1/NL-094
Whangaruru North Head ZL1/NL-095 YES YES
Huarewa ZL1/NL-096
Motukawanui Island ZL1/NL-098
Tangihua ZL1/NL-099
Taranga Island ZL1/NL-100
Lady Alice Island ZL1/NL-101
Motukokako Island ZL1/NL-102
ZL1/NL-103 ZL1/NL-103
Torohanga ZL1/NL-104
Huia ZL1/NL-105
ZL1/NL-106 ZL1/NL-106
ZL1/NL-107 ZL1/NL-107
Tarakeha ZL1/NL-108
Kohuronaki ZL1/NL-109
Tikitikioure ZL1/NL-110
Hargreaves Run ZL1/NL-111
Total SOTA Summits: 106 24 24
Kaikohe Hill ZLV/BOI-001
Maungaturoto ZLV/BOI-002
Pouerua ZLV/BOI-003
Putahi ZLV/BOI-004
Tarahi ZLV/BOI-005
Tauanui ZLV/BOI-006
Te Ahuahu ZLV/BOI-007 YES YES
Te Puke ZLV/BOI-008
Parihaka Dome ZLV/TKA-001
Pukepohatu / Bald Rock dacite dome ZLV/TKA-002
Pukekaroro Dome ZLV/TKA-003
Pukeareinga dome ZLV/TKA-004 YES YES
Cattlemount dome ZLV/TKA-005
Mangawhai Heads ZLV/TKA-006 YES YES
Bream Tail (south) ZLV/TKA-007
Bream Tail (north) ZLV/TKA-008
Hen Island / Sail Rock ZLV/TKA-009
Taurikura ZLV/TKA-010 YES YES
Whangarei Heads (northern cone) ZLV/TKA-011
Maungatapere ZLV/WHA-001
Maunu ZLV/WHA-002
Whatitiri ZLV/WHA-003 YES YES
Maungakaramea ZLV/WHA-004
Glenbervie ZLV/WHA-005
Pukepoto ZLV/WHA-006
Vinegar Hill and Tikipunga flow ZLV/WHA-007 YES YES
Apotu ZLV/WHA-008
Parakiore ZLV/WHA-009
Hurupaki ZLV/WHA-010 YES YES
Mirowhakitiki ZLV/WHA-011 YES YES
Matarau ZLV/WHA-012
Onerahi ZLV/WHA-013 YES YES
Hikurangi ZLV/WHA-014
Total Volcanos: 33 9 9
Herekino Forest Park ZLFF-0045 YES YES
Houto Forest Park ZLFF-0046 YES YES
Hukerenui Forest Park ZLFF-0047 YES YES
Kaihu Forest Park ZLFF-0048 YES YES
Kaiikanui Forest Park ZLFF-0049 YES YES
Marlborough Forest Park ZLFF-0052 YES YES
Mataraua Forest Park ZLFF-0053 YES YES
Maungataniwha Forest Park ZLFF-0054 YES YES
Omahuta Forest Park ZLFF-0057 YES YES
Opua Forest Park ZLFF-0058 YES YES
Pukenui Forest Park ZLFF-0060 YES YES
Puketi Forest Park ZLFF-0061 YES YES
Raetea Forest Park ZLFF-0063 YES YES
Ruapekapeka Forest Park ZLFF-0066 YES YES
Russell Forest Park ZLFF-0067 YES YES
Tangihua Forest Park ZLFF-0068 YES YES
Waikino Forest Park ZLFF-0070 YES YES
Waima Forest Park ZLFF-0071 YES YES
Waipoua Forest Park ZLFF-0072 YES YES
Warawara Forest Park ZLFF-0073 YES YES
Pouto Wildlife Refuge ZLFF-0183 YES YES
Te Paki Recreation Reserve ZLFF-0233 YES YES
Total WWFF Parks: 22 22 22